So That You Know

This is not a column. It is simply a notice being afforded to those who regularly read Room Eight New York Politics and the Daily Gotham. Both of these blogs publish most of my columns on a regular basis. In order to fully disclose where I am in this upcoming primary election, I will vet myself. I will let you all know the candidates who are running this year with whom I have regular conversations and such.

I am now a paid advisor to the Ed Towns re-election campaign. I am also an advisor to the Cenceria Edwards campaign (I haven’t been paid in this capacity as yet). Plus I am a quasi-advisor to the Kendall Stewart, Ken Evans and Marlene Tapper campaigns. They are all friends who call me regularly for advice from time to time. I have no contract signed with any of them (including the congressman), so these are informal arrangements at this moment. 

Beyond this I have had conversations with Geoffrey Davis, Michele Adolphe and Rev. Leonard Hatter (James Archibald/ Stan Kinard) over the past couple months or so.  I have shared e-mails with Jesse Hamilton (and one conversation recently), who has been on my e-mail list for years. I disclose all this because I don’t want people to see my writings as a political propaganda tool, nor do I want candidates to believe that I am hiding relationships. All of these people here are folks I have known for years and years and years. Furthermore, I am working with Eric Blackwell as he manages a candidate in a Long Island assembly race. 

So much for full disclosure; stay tuned-in.

ADDENDUM: Anyone worth his or her salt in NYC politics knows that I have worked in this buisness for almost 35 years. The overwhelming majority of the time I do it for free. Ocassionally I choose to not go “pro-bono” and in that regard I will either collect a small fee or get my personal campaign expenses defrayed (like gas,transportation, food, out of pocket expenses etc.). In the past I have disclosed some of my associations on this blog. Once or twice I haven’t -usually because the candidate asks me to withold that info. Many candidates don’t care for the world to know that I am one of their advisors since they see me as a controversial political figure; something I am still trying to figure out/lol. This year I chose to do this because of the many phone calls and e-mails I was getting from people working the other side of some of the candidates I was in contact with. After 35 years, let me inform that my average from all these monies is less than one hundred dollars a month. Now go do the math. Politics has never been a hustle for. I am driven by my concerns and ideals.