Another Brooklyn political event: the first barbecue of the 2009 political season takes place on the second Saturday of May

(UPDATE: The date of the barbecue has been changed to one week later: Saturday 16th May, 2009.)

Political seasons come and go; some call them “silly season(s)”, some call them other names. Some of the terms I won’t repeat here on this ‘family’ blog site/lol. I don’t call them anything other than what they are (and I will keep that a secret). I just try to have a lil fun during the stressful times, that’s all. You’ve got to be able to laugh at yourself folks: otherwise you will lose it. So; now that I am trying to juggle between running for the city council and blogging about things political in New York (and some other places sometimes), I keep getting my sanity tested near everyday. 

Firstly; my diminutive manager is a lil tyrant. Secondly; her band of female deputies, plus the other females on the team (“the solid-rock score”) are probably just as tyrannical -but not as Napoleonic. I have twenty people on my core team -plus a bunch of others on the periphery- and you know what: they are all political experts now. They all try to tell me what not to do: every second, every minute, and every hour of the day or night. One of my senior advisors told me to bring in just one person for that role; I did. I brought in a power-hitter from Brooklyn’s rough and tumble world of politics: Ms. Nancy Ramos. Now I have another woman to slap me around as I go on this journey. Ms. Ramos comes with a big political reputation. She can manage a campaign with her eyes half-closed. 

As you are probably observing, I don’t write here much anymore. I am under orders, or I may get my hands broken/lol. But next week when my manager goes on vacation, I will try to keep some of you (my fans) happy, by dropping a column or two -to catch up on things political (especially in Brooklyn). I have a lot to tell you folks.

Anyway, I want to tell you about a political event that’s coming up, since I am hoping to see some of you there. I am formally endorsing Norman Siegel at the first Bar-B-Q of the political season. Hopefully he will cross-endorse me at the same event. If he doesn’t, then that’s fine too: my endorsement of him came with no strings attached and with no pre-conditions whatsoever.

This is the event:    

                        THE FRIENDS OF ROCK HACKSHAW

                        (P.O. Box: 250638; Brooklyn, N.Y. 11225).

                                             —- Presents——



            (A fundraising event for the city council candidate: Rock Hermon Hackshaw).

VENUE: Mr. Wellington Sharpe’s residence:

                1400 Schenectady Avenue, Brooklyn, N.Y.

                (Between Foster Avenue and Farragut Road).

ADMISSION: Twenty dollars ($20)with advanced ticket purchase. At the gate: Twenty-five dollars ($25)  


TIME: 4:00 p.m. until 10:00 p.m.  

Keynote Speaker (7:00p.m): Mr. Norman Siegel Esq. (Candidate for Public Advocate).  


Telephone numbers to call:

347-475-0356; 718-284-1023; 1-347-431-5734; 1-646-239-3951; 347-733-6833.  


We will have a good time here folks. Lots of Caribbean-American food to eat; and lots of political people of all races, ethnicities, creeds and religions will be there. Do drop by.  

And remember to stay tuned-in folks.   
