Do People At The Manhattan Institute Read Their Own Reports?

Steve Malanga, senior editor of the Manhattan Institute’s City Journal has an Op-Ed in Sunday’s New York Post complaining about how New Jersey Governor Jon Corzine is responsible for ruining because of high taxes.

“The state has one of the most progressive income tax structures, so that residents earning more than $250,000 in 2007 (the last year data are available) constituted just 3.9% of all households but paid 59% of state income taxes. And these folks will pay an even bigger share of the burden this year because Corzine raised their tax rates and cut some of their deductions.”

Last Tuesday, the same newspaper ran a story based on a study by the same Manhattan Institute about how high taxes are driving New Yorkers to move to two states. Guess which is one of the states?

Here’s the answer –

“The study used annual US Census reports, which showed which states had increased population, combined with Internal Revenue Service data, which show which states, cities and counties had lost people.

While New York City and the state were the losers, the Sunshine and Garden States were winners. more than 250,000 New Yorkers who lived in and around the city fled to Florida. Another 172,000 city taxpayers ended up in New Jersey.

Why all the moving vans?

The center, part of the conservative Manhattan Institute, blames the state's high cost of living and high taxes.”