Saving the Tuba Player

Saving the Tuba Player


By Michael Boyajian


The proposed Obama Administration education reforms make for a good start but do not go far enough at least in New York State.  The simplest way to level the education playing field and equalize the system is to revamp the school financing formula. 


And that begins with the abolition of local school taxes and the implementation of schools financed through a portion of the state income tax.  This is the only way to avoid poor minority districts like Long Island’s Roosevelt not having the same opportunities found on North Shore Long Island’s Gold Coast districts.


Why should some students have less of an education just because of where they live?  We are after all Americans one and all and entitled to equal opportunity under the Constitution.  Recently friends and family of one student launched a Facebook campaign in order to provide the child with a tuba so he could perform in the school band.  It is ridiculous to think that some school music programs around the state cannot afford to provide a student with a tuba so the kid can play in the school band.  This is especially chilling when one considers that those with musical abilities do well in science.


One education proponent has stated that the problem is this, hundreds of dads will shout if you threaten midnight basketball but only one will fuss over the closing of a school music program.  So not only do you have to change financing formulas but also the mindset of today’s parents who are oriented more towards extra extra curricula activities as opposed to mainstream education.


Turning towards teachers it is shameful that politicians holding their hat out for votes would make these professionals the scapegoat for the education debacle in this country.  Teachers statewide must maintain their individual union representation yet bargain collectively as one so as to ensure equal pay, benefits and accountability in every region of New York.


Education reform cannot rely on mere band aid reforms but must dig deep into the source of the affliction which today is the formula for school financing, local school taxes.  Equality lies with an income tax source of financing.
