Middle East Union and Ensuing Peace
By Michael Boyajian
Turmoil in the Middle East threatens peace there and elsewhere with no real solution in sight. Much of the problem goes back to the partitions made after World War I by the European powers. These powers created artificial nations not based on historical basis but on the convenience of these powers.
Hence for example Shiites located in Iraq rather than Iran and no Kurdish homeland. In order to end the hatred and conflict the national boundaries must be neutralized.
The model for such a program exists in the European Union which I have offered in the past as a stepping stone to world unity. But that is a giant step, a smaller, though no less significant, step would be the creation of a Middle East Union
The borders of such a union would stretch across North Africa into the traditional Middle East out to Afghanistan including Armenia and Azerbaijan. It would be the liberal definition of the region.
Turkey would have a special status in this union because it would also have membership in the European Union making it something of a bridge between two cultures.
The Middle East Union will remove the reality of artificial borders creating a very prosperous sphere of power with one currency and a central government overlapping each individual nation’s government.
Of course Israel would enter the union ending the turmoil there between the Palestinian and Jewish people much the same as the European Union ended conflict in Northern Ireland and the Basque region.
You are no longer tied to faux national borders with this union but to a greater organization that will eventually remove the relevancy of the current borders while keeping ethnic and religious identities intact much the same as is the case in Europe.
Anything less than this plan is a mere Band-Aid or temporary fix that will allow hostilities to continue to fester threatening world peace. In a way it will be a reemergence of a great civilization that dates back to the very beginning of our history.