Religious Unity and the Synchronicity of Chaos Theory

Religious Unity and the Synchronicity of Chaos Theory


By Michael Boyajian


Many years ago Huston Smith wrote a book on the world’s religions titled The World’s Religions.  Little did he know then that he had planted the ideas in the cosmos that would lead to people having the ability to pick and choose principals from all the world’s religions.  His book implicitly made each religion accessible to those of other faiths and one could say I like this about Hinduism and this about Buddhism and its ok and it works with my Christian beliefs.


A few months ago I picked up on what Smith implied and wrote a blog for Room Eight entitled Religious Unity which explicitly said what Huston had implied.  Then to my amazement I learned that there was more to come because an icon of religion has just weighed in along a similar vein.  Tenzin Gyatso, His Holiness the 14th Dalai Lama, has stated in the New York Times that it is ok to pick what one likes from other religions while still adhering to your primary faith.  This once again harks back to what Smith implicitly said in his book.


So through synchronicity the idea is sprouting up everywhere and I believe that what we are seeing is Chaos Theory at work however slowly as it may be moving.  Smith wrote his book in 1958 and now years later his ideas begin to permeate into the public mindset culminating for now with the Dalai Lama’s Op- Ed in the Times.


You get Chaos Theory, a butterfly flaps its wing in Mexico and out of that action a storm eventually develops in the Northeast.


Now the idea does not end with the Dalai Lama.  It continues moving and expanding.  Where it leads to no one knows for sure.  But we can hope that it will bring about a unity between adherents of the world’s faiths leading to a sort of birth of a new world free from war and discord with all harmoniously joined in peace and prosperity.

