Wearing Disguises

THE WHO: I used to know everything about you
But today when I tried to point you out to one of my friends
I picked the wrong girl again
Don't see you in the crowd anymore
I think it's you but I can't be sure
You're wearing disguises
Occasionally a girl surprises me
When she turns out to be you
Wearing disguises

I don't think you want me to see you ever again
And today I saw you dressed as a flower bed
Last week you had a wig on your head
Directing traffic in the street
And your shoes were too big for your feet
You were wearing disguises

As you may be aware, I have been accused recently of being the pseudonymous, allegedly “racist” blogger, JP.

There are a couple of problems with that accusations.

The first and most important is that is based upon the false premise that JP, a moderately dark-skinned Latino, has a problem with black people. He does not and it is slander to say that it is so. I defy anyone to go through his posts and comments on Room 8 and find any evidence of racism.

Secondly, I am not JP.

I intend soon to complete the painful process of proving, by comparing paper trails, that JP and I are not the same person.

However, I must admit that my doing so is complicated by two factors.

The first is that, consciously or unconsciously, the guy sometimes has a tendency to imitate my style. This is something I complimented him about the third time he post a piece here.

The other problem is that, as is well known, I’ve had a tendency to sometimes blog and post here under other names.

As Mole333 noted: “Your frequent use of multiple blog personalities does pretty much sets you up for accusations of being just about every blogger out there from Rock to mole333 to Rosalie. It is kind of a hole you've dug for yourself”

I am surely not the only one. EnWhySeaWonk is also Politiko. Rock Hackshaw has been (perhaps not the best choice of words) sock-puppeting in his own comments threads. Oneshirt—aka Gary Tilzer–wrote about Tilzer in the third person in one of his own pieces, and has also surely blogged here under other handles and regularly pretends to be about 12 different people on the same threads. There is also a member of the New York City Council who I suspect does the same as his fingerprints stink out loud and he has tell is his style (paragraph spacing issues).

Even a noted journalist, who shall remain nameless, has admitted to me he sockpupetting at least once, and he has also engaged in the only slightly less pernicious act of asking me to post stuff on blogs for him as has more than one present and former elected official.

It is not a pretty practice, but I think banning it here would lead to less interesting speech. The pissing matches here over the 2007 Kings County Surrogate’s election were practically the only interesting things about that race.

In my case, posting comments anonymously or under a different pseudonym has usually served to enrich the debate here, in ways I might not have been able to do otherwise.

Mostly, I don’t regret it. Still, it is time to explain why, I would go several leagues beyond the mere thread-posting sock-puppetry which has epidemic here from this site‘s outset.

Each of my blog characters was created for its own reason, in its own season.

I have tried, to some extent, to keep my each of my blogging voices unique. “Stoned Crackwhore”, written as a very broad parody of blogger Rock Hackshaw, was originally conceived as a sharpie who only played the fool; “Brooklyn Fats” was sort of Gatemouth channeling his nemesis “FUSTB” [Fat Ugly Smelly Toothless Bastard](aka Gary Tlzer), including a good deal of FUSTB’s style, with a small touch of Michael Bouldin added for proper seasoning, and a dollop of Mole333 for ideological purity. “Hack N. Sack”, was originally conceived as a defender of the irregular democracy of regular Democrats, and was his pieces were originally written as the shortest distance between two points, without unnecessary flourishes.

By contrast, Gatemouth was a jazz improviser.

Around the middle of May, 2006, my writing here and on “The Politicker” had aroused so much heat that someone, most likely Gary Tilzer, had begun an “Out-Gatemouth Campaign,” posting my real name all over every local political blog.

At the time, I was still under the delusion that my identity was a secret, or could be kept secret, and I desired it to remain that way. It was one thing for everyone to think they knew who Gatemouth was, it was quite another for EVERYONE, including those who’d never thought about the matter, or even read a blog, to suddenly have access to such information.

Posts “exposing” Gatemouth started to appear daily. Although it seemed futile, I prowled the web every day looking for posts revealing Gate’s identity, and then tried to get those who ran the various blogs to zap them. Ben Smith was cooperative; Azi Paybarah was initially obtuse, running an item saying I was suspected of being Gatemouth. Then, when I told him he should remove it, he ran a correction saying that I claimed I was not Gatemouth. Eventually, I had to get Ben to explain him the facts of life.

It had risen to a boiling point. My first instinct was to defuse the situation with humor. “A Parody”, posted by “Brooklyn Fats”, was an effort to channel Gatemouth hatred among “reformers” and insurgents in a less threatening direction. It was also meant to parody some of the issues they’d raised, although it is probably a more coherent summation of the anti-Gatemouth argument than any of them ever managed. Neither Ben nor Gur were fooled, but, then again, they did have access to Fats’ IP number.

It didn’t work; things got worse. After a series of harassing phone calls, veiled threats and inquiries with attorneys, Domestic Partner decided it was time to pull the plug, and, for the time being, I agreed to stop posting for a while, resuming in earnest about six weeks later. After primary season, Fats made one last appearance, this time, mostly as a signal to the more regular end of the world that Gatemouth was not the threat that many of them perceived him to be.

In December, 2006, under circumstances entirely beyond my control, Gatemouth left the web for real, for about nine months.

Within a few days of Gate’s exit, Bouldin, Mole, Wonk, Adam Green, Azi and Solomon Grundy all sent condolences and advice. Most of the advice was to blog under a new name. Everyone pretty much agreed that the name had outlived its usefulness, and should go into retirement on a farm outside Orange, Texas. Bouldin suggested I masquerade as a black woman.

As if I‘d ever masquerade as something I‘m not.

Just to be clear, I am also not Mary Alice Miller, not that there’s anything wrong with it.

At the time, Ben and Gur were paying me $125 a month for every month I produced 15 pieces. My December 11th farewell put me at 13 pieces for the monthly cycle, which ended on 12/25.

On 12/15/06, the State Board of Elections released their final results for the fall election and what I found there demanded I do a follow-up to my piece about the number of votes yielded in Gate’s Write-in campaign to elect video-blogger Adam Green as State Comptroller. As such, I posted one, using the account of Hack N. Sack, a blogger I’d previously created for an Un-Gate-like news piece I had since deleted. I was now up to 14. One more piece stood between me and $125.

I don’t know what self destructive impulse led me to create “Stoned Crackwhore”, but this

Rock Hackshaw parody (originally complete, in imitation of Rock’s blog, with a picture of the “author”, which I got from by searching Google Images using the words “stoned crackhead”) immediately took upon a life of his own, perhaps helped along by a phony comment I’d posted as an ill-disguised Lew Fidler pseudonym.

Rock, in a series called “Fidler On the Black Roof”, had recently accused Fidler of in ordinate interference in the political affairs of Black Brooklyn, specifically (and inaccurately) accusing him of running a white candidate in a special election for City Council. I should note that when Fidler ultimately endorsed and put his considerable muscle behind Rock’s candidate, such complaints abated considerably.

Creating this much controversy so soon after my departure was surely not in my self-interest; at first I tried to lighten things up, facilitate confusion and turn down the heat (although I couldn’t resist throwing a few spitballs), but after two days, I could stand no more, took my Christmas prank off the web (replacing it with a posting of Clement Moore’s “The Night Before Christmas” –the real piece has since been restored), hoped things would cool down, and returned to therapy. This was the most painful money I ever earned. Just to put the icing on the cake, it was this last check that triggered the requirement that Gur send me a 1099.

Stoney was then buried, only to be resurrected at a point where I’d thought that Rock’s blog had gone off the deep end and needed a spanking. The details why that was appear here (recently restored, when the peace gesture of deleting it did not obtained the desired result). In early 2007, I posted two more pieces by Hack, just for fun, and to piss people off. They did. They basically act as an in-your-face rebuttal to the charge Gatey was a Vito Lopez sycophant, by showing how an actual sycophant would operate. Not that the specific points made within those pieces were not themselves valid.

The problem with all those pieces was that, no matter how disguised the style, everyone knew it was Gatey (except for Rock), so I finally wrung down the curtain and joined the choir invisibule like the Dead Parrot I’d become.

Hack was put to rest for awhile–eventually he was revived as a Gate’s dumping ground for pieces that just didn’t fit into Gate’s oeuvre for various reasons— thing like links, event announcements I’d posted as favors, writings in atypical style, and stuff where, to advance a cause, I’d appeared to advocate issue positions which differed in some degree from my own (usually a matter of nuance, but important nuance). In his later revival, I didn’t really care if people knew I was Hack, I just didn’t want those pieces in Gate’s archive (although, in rare cases, I regret this).

Sometimes, when a blogger has a following, like Rock or I do, it may actually be an act of integrity to use another name.

For example, Rock took a paid gig with Ed Towns, and some of his pieces, which gushed over Towns being endorsed by the woman Rock calls "Billary", and also by Kevin Parker, were just campaign ads.

Does anyone really believe that Rock thinks an endorsement by Kevin Parker is a credential to brag about?

Better Rock should have done his pure PR work under another name.

Of course, then he probably couldn't have gotten as much for his pieces. He was, in reality, selling his blog for a price, trading off what the business world calls one's "good will," for cash. 

Although Marty Connor did not pay me to do the Hack N Sack articles on Dan Squadron, I actually thought it was more appropriate to not put out such campaign pieces under the Gate brand.

Gatemouth offers his own biasses in a manner he consders objective. His readers expect no less. Hack N Sack was doing contract labor, pro bono.  

And if I ever do get paid to blog something, I promise you that it will not be done under the Gatemouth name.

Gatemouth is a brand name; Hack N. Sack was a means of protecting the brand.

I only wish I could post the piece of crap you're reading as a Hack N. Sack piece.

Anyway, by August 2007, the storm which had caused Gatey's departure had clearly passed. In order to see if it was safe to come back into the water, Gate reappeared for the first time in months posting a comment on a thread by the psychopathic VJ Machievelli, a blogger so awful, he was denied the front page posting privileges, “Room 8”, in its post-Gate, post-Gumbs, post-Wonk decline, had extended to the likes of Rwallnerny and Barry Popik. The post corrected VJ for misstating the name of one of

Edgar Bergen’s dummies; VJ appeared quite startled, albeit still deluded. Then I created “Pee Wee.”

Connie Curtis "Pee Wee" Crayton was a Texas Jump Blues Electric Guitarist and Singer whose main rivals were Aaron "T-Bone" Walker, and a certain Clarence Brown, whose nick-name as practically screaming out from this blogger's big stinking fingerprints.

Pee Wee was a dead-on imitation of Gate to the point of self parody. Anyone who’d read Gate would know who Pee Wee was, and to drive home the points a similar icon was chosen, and anonymous hints were dropped in various places. I even contacted Roscoe Conway to post a comment. In fact, the whole thing was so blatant that it almost lent credence to the idea that it must be someone else.  

Pee Wee’s initial appearance, singing of Eliot Spitzer’s hubris to the tune of a song by Funkadelic was well received, and I endeavored to figure out what to do next.

Fate, however, intervened, in the forms of Rock Hackshaw and FUSTB.

They say that battles in academia are so nasty because so little is at stake; the same might be said of the 2007 race for Judge of the King’s County Surrogate’s Court.

If one was not an insider, the Surrogate’s race was most reminiscent of Seinfeld; a show about nothing. And like Seinfeld, it reached levels of cruelty and heartlessness not exceeded until “Curb Your Enthusiasm”, which would be another good title for what ensued. And, the part of Kramer was played by FUSTB.

Not wanting to waste too much time on trivialities, I will not document all of the surreal and bizarre fantasies posted on blogs during that time, as if they were the gospel truth, by FUSTB, who was managing the campaign of one of the candidates.

At one point during a Hackshaw post on “Room 8” concerning the race, FUSTB had continued ranting and raving in one ungrammatical, incoherent, un-spell-checked comment after another, until I felt compelled to end the thread by posting, “your comments are now like your love life…You're the only one in the Room.”

On one such thread, some remarks were most likely posted by my old friend, the City Councilman who writes primarily under the nom de plumes of dead Southern Brooklyn Jewish pols, but was now doing business as “Sojourn To Truth”. To my annoyance, and not for the first time, FUSTB responds to these by accusing the poster of being Gatemouth.

I was blogging from an hotel room in Southbury Connecticut where Domestic Partner and I, with Consuella and the Dybbuk in tow, were conducting a survey of Native American Entertainment establishments and wineries until the weekend when we planned to take Dybbuk to see Thomas the Tank Engine in his local appearance at Waterbury. Domestic Partner has promised me that Ringo Starr, George Carlin and Alec Baldwin would all be appearing, but I was keenly aware that my expectations would likely be met with the same level of satisfaction as those who’d hoped to see reform emerge as the byproduct of the race for Surrogate's Court Judge of the County of Kings.

Peeved beyond belief at FUSTB, I decide that the moment has arrived for Gatemouth to reappear, where someone would notice, for the first time in nearly eight months, somewhere where someone would notice, saying:

It ain't me babe Submitted by Gatemouth on Wed, 08/08/2007

“Listen, you psychotic sack of excrement (I mean you FUSTB), if I chose to bother to do, I assure you I could come up with comments as erudite as Sojourner's, but mine would contain some evidence of a sense of humor. If I do eventually comment on this race, it will only because I have been goaded into doing so by the likes of you. While I am currently not decided in my preferences, I assure you that your efforts are helping me to make a choice.

Once again it is clear that your eye for style is matched only by your sense of style.  

I have been spending my free time on family matters, as well as writing my memoirs and a couple of children's book. I assure you that that is where you want such time to be spent (even if the memoirs are less than kind to you, and they are). Please do yourself and your client a favor, and leave me out of any further regurgitations you may spew from your sick mind and fat fingers.

Now do me a favor, no more prank phone calls to my house or cell phone, or this time I'll call the police.

Thank you for your consideration in this matter.  

Now, back to retirement.”

That was enough for awhile. There was sure to be a buzz in the blogging community. But FUSTB continued. I’d reprint the posts, but most were eventually zapped, and in any event, the contents themselves were entirely without interest, as per usual.

And then I got another idea. I would start a blog war between Gatemouth and Pee Wee. At this point, I decided to take advantage that the cartoon I’d selected of Crayton resembled none other than the original Adam Clayton Powell, the “King of the Cats”, and decided that Pee Wee would be a more gansta version of Gate:

GATEY IS A PUNK! Submitted by Pee Wee on Wed, 08/08/2007

Gatey, you coward, come out from where you're hiding so you and me can have a "Headcutting Contest".

Gatester, there's a new Sheriff in Town, and you and me need to have a "Battle of the Blogs"

Can you get to that? 

Well the combined goading from Pee Wee and FUSTB, resulted in escalating nastiness, Gate tired to keep his cool, although he could not restrain himself from speculations about the size of his adversary’s genitalia (Pee Wee’s, not FUSTB). But his response were relatively (for Gate) restrained and even handed, but while FUSTB attacked him as a Vito tool, Pee Wee struck hard at Gate’s (and FUSTB’s) concentration on the bit players, and Gate’s attempts at even handedness. “Don’t bother to play both sides Gatey” he gibed, “they all hate you anyway”.

Meanwhile Pee Wee went off the deep end, saying one local lawyer/political operative would “steal the pennies off a dead man’s eyes while probating his will, committing necrophilia on his body, and raiding his ice box”. This was manifestly untrue, as there had been many rumors about he proclivities of the character in question, but none involved sexual acts with people of at that particular point in their lives; moreover, he was dieting, so the ice box comment verged upon libelous. Pee Wee said many other things, none of them nice, and most now lost to history.

Then things went from agreeably, if edged-ly, dada to funny peculiar. It occurred to me that “Can you get to that?” was a great catch-phrase for Pee Wee, and should appear at the end of his every post. Unfortunately, when I edited his comments they were moved out-of-sequence and reappeared at the time they were revised. This was too dada for me as it stepped on all the punch lines. Pee Wee Cried out in desperation:

What the fuck is going on Gur All my comments throughout this thread have moved out of sequence and are at the end now? Is this what's supposed to happen when you edit your remarks? No wonder all the good bloggers have left (lol!)

Can you get to that?”

But the problem was never fixed. And then things got worse.    

Without using my real name, FUSTB, or one of his accomplices, posted a lengthy screed entitled about “the real Gatemouth”, which in addition to being highly uncomplimentary, went a long way to drawing a map of my location. At my request, Gur deleted it.

Shortly before midnight, an even longer and more detailed post, entitled “The True Reformer”, followed, helpfully providing such salient details as the name of my current employer. It was clearly the work of a more articulate associate of FUSTB (practically his only friend in the world), who shall remain nameless, mainly because little besides my own spite would be served by identifying him.

I discovered it in the early morning, but the City had been hit by a tornado and Gur could not be reached for several hours. Meanwhile, my head reeling, I deleted all or part of several of Gate’s posts, noting the deletions, and replaced most of Pee Wee’s far angrier posts with the notation they’d been zapped.

Pee Wee was not pleased; “what's up with the censorship?”, he asked Gur angrily.

I wrote my friend the Councilmanic blogger: “I don't know why I let that prick bait me into joining the discussion, and I never intended to get involved, beyond saying it wasn't me–I'm just a loon, I guess”

He responded: “who is the prick…it wasn't FUSTB was it? Is he Pee Wee?”

Was he purposely trying to cheer me up with Stan Laurel type blissful ignorance, or had I reached Mike Nelson by accident. I then responded to FUSTB:

OK YOU WIN FUSTB Submitted by Gatemouth on Wed, 08/08/2007

You invoked my name and got me to stick my neck into a matter in which my interest is largely sporting. And then I let you bait me into further participation. I should not have risen to your bile, it was not really my battle, and I do not belong at its center. Upon reflection, I admit it was a mistake, and I've not only removed stuff someone may find offensive, but I asked Gur to zap posts by some others; yours included (hopefully he will do so) . I am not made of the stern stuff necessary to do this anymore. Certainly not in a campaign where I feel more passion about the consultants than the candidates. Why you are so obsessed with me is another question. 

I can't even say it was nice while it lasted; this time it wasn't. I clearly was not ready to come back; maybe never will be. But, I can say that doing things like this in anger is something I deeply regret.

FUSTB’s response, as ever, was less than grateful; probably even less so after Gur deleted several of his posts including the main offender. Gur then took the then unusual step (now a favorite of Rock Hackshaw and Dominic Carter), of closing down the comments.

Gatey had reappeared for (for all intents and purposes) the first time in nearly eight months and caused a furor which closed down posting on a piece which had attracted 90 comments, and the went back into retirement, all in less than 24 hours. Abbie Hoffman would have been proud.

Gatey reappeared in earnest about a month later, before going on another sojourn after a few short months. But Pee Wee was put into semi-retirement, because it was clear I’d lost control of him and he’d taken on an evil life of his own.

Since then, he’s sometimes emerged, but usually only to comment on an issue he’d addressed previously, for special occasions, and when I’m feeling excessively adrenalized. .

Except for JP, Mary Alice and the posts which I suspect are by the Councilman, I will neither confirm or deny any other pseudo-Gateys I’ve been accused from time to time of being–although I will note that at least one them has a style which not only does not remotely resemble my own, but that the mamzer had the nerve to lift material from some of my pieces verbatim without crediting me.

As Solomon Grundy of the late lamented “Left Behinds” blog once noted, back when I was still a gay-cult figure:

"I was semi-disingenuously trying to contribute to the myth of Gatemouth, raising the question of whether "Gatemouth" might be a JT Leroy-esque group effort… Is Gatemouth actually a 45-year-old San Franciscan (currently raising the illegitimate son she had with Jerry Garcia) and occasionally the bassist in her jam band? I think it's a valid question."