The Gateway (Shabbos Desecration Edition)

Schneiderperson schwims through the schlime w/Schlein. Why is Eric Schneiderman Using Eric Espada's Fixer?
 Personal to Danny O'Donnell; do you think it was hate speech? Rosie O'Donnell & Friends – Helen Thomas Is Right! (And a Victim To Boot)

Chait pastes Lamar Alexander: "It's as if you propose that, in order to get your family out of debt, your 23 year old son living at home gets a job, and the son replies that he likes the part of your idea where he gets paid, but let's leave out the part where he goes to work. This is basically Alexander's case. And he's one of the moderate Republicans! Most of them just deny the science of climate change altogether. The moderate position is that we can fix the problem via magic." Lamar And The Magic Climate Plan | The New Republic

Bernstein pastes stupid lefty critics of Obama. A plain blog about politics: The Presidency Is Weak. Really.

Kinsley pastes George Will: "It was not without a frisson of schadenfreude, or does one mean gemütlichkeit? or possibly weltschmerz? Yes, definitely weltshmerz–no, wait, make that schadenfreude after all–that one came to appreciate the wisdom beneath the surface wit of Mr. Will's classic description of politics as "the ineluctable in hot pursuit of the unelectable," which says it all, really, although not without a certain characteristically Jamesian ambiguity about what exactly the fuck he means." Nausea, Henry James, and Lord Byron | The Atlantic Wire

ANDREW CUOMO; AS YOU REAP, SO SHALL YOU SEW: Given the great differences Wayne Barrett outlined between Cuomo and important elements of the traditional Democratic coalition, it could be argued that this would be a great opportunity for Barron to reach beyond his base and serve as a rallying point for those who feel left out–it is not a totally unfamiliar posture for him, given all the anti-Ratner palefaces who supported him for Congress. Instead, Barron comes up with a party name which all on its own closes the door on the overwhelming majority of the population of the state. "Progressives" please take note–Barron is not your hope for the future, and this "party" is emblematic of his limited vision. That being said, Cuomo has no one to blame for this but himself. Could he not find one black person worthy of inclusion on his ticket? He need not have limited himself to elected officials. New Political Party in the Works | Room Eight
 Olbermann later said he'd vote for the guy against Jim DeMint–I'll go him one better; I'd vote for him against Marcy Winograd, Kevin Powell or Charles Barron. But where did he get the $10,000 filing fee? Keith Olbermann Gives Interviewing Alvin Greene A Shot, Gets (Some) Answers