The Gateway (Grounds are for Coffee, Not Divorce Edition)

Can there be anything more emblematic than the fact that when confronted with a market-based system of regulating carbon emissions, Republicans would instead prefer the heavy hand of government regulation, so the costs would be less apparent? (Actually, that may be unfair to McCain and Graham–most Republicans would prefer we just keep on polluting) Economic Scene – In Cap and Trade, a Risk of Acknowledging Costs –


From the (?!?) National Review: a conservative dissects Rand Paul on Civil Rights and finds his viewpoint wanting The Rights Civil Wrongs – Ramesh Ponnuru – National Review Online


NYC-NOW has stopped drinking the Kool-Aid! Grounds-based divorce creates an advantage for the party seeking to avoid the dividing of martial assets, and those seeking to avoid dividing the assets are usually men. No-fault divorce issue causes rift in National Organization for Women in NY | Politics on the Hudson


The other shoe drops, as almost literally minutes after Now-NYC changes its position, this cover it provides allows No-Fault Divorce to finally move. Hooray for Senators Krueger, Savino and Hassell-Thompson for standing up to the psychotic Marcia Pappas (of NOW-NYS) and her crazed, vile ravings, which are uninformed by any semblance of acquaintance with reality. New York Senate Approves No-Fault Divorce –



Sort of begs the question about the sort of company Reshma Saujan keeps Diana Taylor for Malpass – Maggie Haberman –