Bridge to Peace Developing Between Europe and North America

Bridge to Peace Developing Between Europe and North America


By Michael Boyajian


I had written previously that the establishment of regional unions around the world based on the European Union model would eventually lead to peace when each regional union was joined with another through a bridge.  For instance Turkey could bridge the EU with the Middle East and Russia Asia with Europe.


Well now a group called the Transatlantic Network 2020 may be working towards this end in that it is a bridge between Europe and North America.  The idea of the group is to establish closer ties between all the countries of the two regions through cultural, sustainable living, creative and educational means via a network of young people.


This could actually be an incubator for the creation of a pan regional bridge as I discussed in earlier articles.  If such a group were established between more regions such as Europe and the Middle East, North America and South America and the Middle East and Africa than the bridge can draw populations closer together bringing about world peace.


Now there may already be such organizations in place though they do not realize their importance in a more unified world a world without borders if you will.  One such organization is the Organization of American States which spans all the nations of North and South America.


What needs to be done now is to inform these groups of their importance as bridges between regions and how it will eventually lead to world peace.  Now some would say that NATO is one such organization but this is false.  A military alliance only exists as long as there is an external threat to those nations.  A regional bridge and regional union exists to promote peace and prosperity.


Yes prosperity.  Economic development improves with the creation of regional unions and grows stronger when multiple unions are bridged.  Prosperity brings about peace and that is the underlying reality of a borderless world of joined regions.


Some will worry that their nation will lose sovereignty in a borderless world but the European Union shows that nations keep their own character and governments while working together with the lowering of borders.  You can travel all through Europe now without showing your passport but for your initial entry to the union yet each European nation remains intact.


So there you have it, the missing key to bridging two regions exists and is known as the Transatlantic Network and they are working towards a unified end though they may not realize just how important their work really is.  It’s just not economic unity that will be created by regional unities but a greater worldwide peace and prosperity.

