State Comptroller’s Audit of Fishkill May Conclude in Ten Days

State Comptroller’s Audit of Fishkill May Conclude in Ten Days


By Michael Boyajian


The New York State Comptroller’s Office has reported that “its audit of the Town of Fishkill is still underway,” going on to say more information will be available in ten days leaving many to believe it will conclude at that time.  It has also been reported that New York State officials met behind closed doors with the Town over its financial woes.


There has been much speculation over the audit leaving many to wonder what fate lies ahead for Fishkill’s elected officials should the audit reveal an adverse finding.  Fishkill is asking the state to allow it to issue $6.5 million in bonds to pay for its operating expenses something the Poughkeepsie Journal has questioned as unusual.


The Poughkeepsie Journal is on the record calling for public scrutiny of the Town’s finances and the proposed bond issue.  This has led some to call for independent oversight of the Town’s financial dealings and for transparency in its budgetary operations.


The Town of Fishkill has been reeling of late from its financial troubles, opposition to a plan to build 200 trailer homes over the area’s supply of fresh water and preservationists’ efforts to save New York’s Valley Forge, the Fishkill Supply Depot where Revolutionary War soldiers’ graves have recently been uncovered.


Town officials have close ties to the Tea Party movement and some expect a backlash from this group in response to the town’s deficit spending something Tea Partiers have been voraciously attacking Washington for over the course of the last year.  It could not be ascertained if the group would hold mass protests in the area over these local financial concerns.

