The Witch Hunters Among Us

The Witch Hunters Among Us


By Michael Boyajian


They were there in the Dark Ages killing women accused of witchcraft.


They were there for the inhumanities of the Spanish Inquisition.


They returned to Salem to hunt witches once again.


They were there for the Dreyfus Affair where an innocent Jew was sent to the gallows.


They were there in the 1950s for McCarthyism.


Now they are here again to lynch dedicated public servant Shirley Sherrod and when caught dead to rights for their ignoble actions they manage to squirm off the hook and put the onus on the victim.  When are Americans, the citizens of the world in fact, going to stand up and say no to those that claim to act for God and country carrying out evil deeds and going unpunished even when exposed?


It is time to punish these wrong doers.  Let us have some Congressional hearings.  Let’s bring the gavel down on these posers and put the spot light on their infamies as they swear to tell the truth under oath so that the truth will set us all free from those who accuse falsely.


No President stood up to McCarthy and it looked like no one would stand up for Shirley Sherrod until CNN stepped up with the truth only later to be followed by the mainstream press.  Yet within days the witch hunters were given equal footing for their point of view for the lynching of Shirley Sherrod.


Is this what has become of the hope that was once America?  A runaway line of inquisitors, “waving the flag and pointing the cannon at you.”  Yes hope has turned to despair for the good while the bad ride high through the streets a mob of ideological zealots choking off all that is great about America for the sake of raw power.  Welcome to the new America, same as the old America.

