The New Neanderthals: America’s Captains of Commerce

The New Neanderthals:  America’s Captains of Commerce


By Michael Boyajian


Bob Herbert reports in the New York Times that corporations laid off far more workers than were necessary during the recession and although they are now reporting record profits they are not hiring anyone back choosing to sit on immense piles of cash.


Yes this is corporate greed empowered in part by the recent Supreme Court ruling that made corporations more important than people.  These corporate titans feel they are above the moral law.  However another part of it is that our so called captains of capital are just plain stupid.  Yes, but for the high tech firms, they are knuckle dragging Neanderthals that have no vision knowing only how to cut payrolls.


One has to assume that this was what they were taught in business school, some sort of right wing fringe economics where workers are expendable and profits are made at their expense rather than through vision and innovation.


But I believe you are giving them too much credit.  I believe today’s business leaders are community college drop outs, fairly stupid but smart enough to cause trouble.  Rather than create new business models they dabble in right wing politics the hot tub of the semi-educated.  Don’t believe me?  Look at Target and Best Buy donating a quarter million dollars to a political candidate who is a notorious homophobe.


Look at your local cable operators who want to acquire news outlets so that they can shift their news reporting to the right while also presetting your cable box to right wing poster child, Fox.  What to do about this?  A national wild cat strike is in order.  To hell with the labor law; union and non union workers all stay home one day.  Sit in the yard and watch the butterflies or go to a public garden and listen to the bees buzz as America’s corporate titans blow a gasket and attempt to get their puppet law makers to criminalize the population.  Go ahead strike; they cannot lock all 300 million of us up in jail.  Shut down the unholy priests of greed so that real business people can take charge and bring back America’s jobs and economic power.
