Islam Not A Religion of Hate

Islam Not A Religion of Hate


By Michael Boyajian


Many Americans today feel Islam is a religion of hate.  This is due to 9-11, our war against the Taliban and Al Qaeda in Afghanistan and the Iraq war itself.  Some Americans have become so frenzied in their false beliefs that they are against the building of mosques in their communities.  This is sheer madness and in part due to the fear induced by opportunistic politicians.


I have been to the Alhambra in Spain a Moorish palace inspired by Islam it is one of the most beautiful sites in all the world, proclaimed a world heritage site by the United Nations and brought back to life by American author Washington Irving.  No religion of hate could have built this work of art.


The same holds true of the Taj Mahal in India the world’s greatest monument to love built by a heart broken Muslim ruler upon the death of his beloved wife.  People report that their lives changed upon seeing this wonder.


And the list could go on with great architectural feats, marvelous works of art, imaginative literature and contributions to math and science.  No religion of hate could have created all of this.  But what about Islam itself?  It is inconceivable that a billion people could be driven to belief by hatred.


No the problem with Islam lies with a small number of fundamentalists who try warp that religion as they do in other major religions taking away a message of love and replacing it with a message of hate.  But there is one thing that history has shown and that is that love conquers all.  All empires of hate have fallen overtaken by forces of love.  Love is the answer, love is deep in the human heart and love drives spirituality not the evil of hate and so Islam is a religion of love.

