Talk Radio

Talk Radio


By Michael Boyajian


There are two types of radio listeners out there.  Those who listen to right wing talk radio and everyone else.  Now the people listening to right wing radio are a wild eyed bunch driven to the extreme fringe of the political spectrum by mad dog radio host spewing a mix of hate and lunacy.


Those that listen to something else are your everyday Americans who listen to music to get pumped in the morning for work, decompressed at the end of the day and to get revved up for the weekends.  Now the market is the best indicator of what most people listen to and we say most listen to music and a few to political talk radio.


This can easily be seen on Sirius Radio where you have 194 station most of which play music like rock, pop, 50s, 60s, 70s, 80s, 90s, new wave, gospel, soul, hip hop, electronic, country, reggae, Latin, classical and jazz to name a few.  Following music are sports, news, entertainment, comedy and then a couple of right wing talk stations.


Now if most people were listening to these right wing yahoos wouldn’t money oriented Sirius have devoted more stations to right wing talk and less to music.  I mean there are more traffic stations on Sirius than right wing stations.


So there you have it, there are many ways to tune in and most choose not to tune into right wing talk and for that reason mainstream media and politicians should not be driven by talk radio but instead by music lovers, sports aficionados, entertainment fans and comedy buffs.  And that is how you will put balance back in American life by playing to these listeners and not those in the fever swamps.

