Putting “The Gateway” in Perspective, and Exhuming its Prehistory

A few months ago I began an experiment, by changing the format of this department. As I noted then, I spend too much time on Facebook, and it displaced my time on Room 8 as my #1 time waster, but while Facebook displaced Room 8 in my life, Room 8, in its own way displaced Facebook. I started my Facebook life making somewhat edgier versions of David Barry-like observations, combined with opining about Rock and Roll’s roots and branches; and except for posting links to my Gate pieces, barely let politics include, even during the primary season.

But somehow, in a manner resembling my current obsession with the Young Men’s Islamic Association proposed for The Holy Mother Coat Factory, I became obsessed with passing health care reform, and specifically with the idiotic left wing efforts to sabotage it because the achievable was not good enough.

I eventually found that I had become a popular aggregator of slightly left of center news for an ever increasing bunch of people I’d never met, who wanted the Gatemouth they were not getting on Room 8.

What should have been longer thought-pieces on Room 8, turned into snarky one liners with appropriate links, and pretty much killed off my publishing on this site. Unfinished pieces started piling up on my G drive like planes over LGA.

But the reality was, I was dealing with virtually all of those matters, in bite sizes pieces, on my Facebook page.

The solution seems obvious, and I changed formats.

Now the same people who used to complain about the length of my pieces are griping instead about how I no longer write pieces of length (though I do).

My goals in this undertaking were two-fold. I kept missing important topics, and wanted to cover more of them with less effort. And I wanted to cut down the time I spent writing.

One of those goals has been met. I am missing fewer topics, and saying more with less. But the effort to do this right has ended up taking more time than the old essays ever did.

This is too bad; at the national level the not quite left, not quite right is represented in similar endeavors by Jonathan, Chait, Jeffrey Goldberg, Rich Hertzberg, Andrew Sullivan and the once (and I suspect future) Mickey Kaus. Locally, this sort of opinionated news aggregation from a writer on my point of the spectrum (or any other, for that matter) seems to be sorely lacking.

It should be done, I’m just not sure how long I will be able to continue doing it–at least in its proper manner.

So, now that my vacation is over, I suspect there will be a drop, and maybe more, in Gateway activity.

For those who dislike this format, this in itself should be its own reward, though I cannot promise it will lead to a rise in the number of longer essays (which for some will be icing on the cake).

In the meantime, for those who do like the format (which I’ve worked hard to improve over the months of its existence), I thought I would finish the trip though The Gateway pre-history, I posted in several columns in May and June, and document the year 2009, which chronicles how this feature evolved:


Listening to “Mingus, Mingus, Mingus,” and wondering what the velvet Underground would have sounded like with him instead of John Cale. January 2, 2009.


Gatemouth is a George Clinton Democrat: One Nation Under a Groove. January 3, 2009.


Wondering why I was obsessed for so many years with getting the State Senate a Democratic majority. January 7, 2009.


Nostalgic for the days when kid’s programming ended at 6:00 PM. January 14, 2009.


Contemplating the end of a three day weekend and the beginning of a new era. January 19, 2009.


Thanking Dybbuk for reminding me how much I hate homework. January 27, 2009.


Running around in circles looking for corners to cut. January 28, 2009.


Appalled to have participated in a trend reported in the Times Style Section (which has nothing to do with the revival of vinyl). February 5, 2009.


Wondering what it would be like to watch the President live, instead of Scooby Doo. February 9, 2009.


Regretting that Spirit Air did not see fit to put barf bags anywhere near Dybbuk’s seat (and so is Spirit Air). February 14, 2009.


Learned one does leave a six year old untended on YouTube watching the Mr. Bill Show. February 21, 2009.


Flipping between Boomerang and NY-One, just noticed that Shelly Silver and Droopy Dog were separated at birth. February 27, 2009.


I miss politics; may need to adjust my meds. March 19, 2009.


Twitter is to Facebook as whambangthankyoumam is to a happy ending. April 1, 2009.


Preparing a Seder is a lot like departing from Egypt, except Scotto’s has a better choice of wines. April 6, 2009.


It’s been a long time since Leib Glanz invited me to a wedding. June 13, 2009.


Just found out that, after figuring heavily in the original cut, virtually all my footage in the documentary film about Paul Newell, “Excuse Me, Mr. Speaker,” has ended up on the cutting room floor. Now the world will never see my Shelly Silver imitation. June 16, 2009.


I’ve so many gay friends that Facebook suggested I become a fan of Margaret Cho and Kathy Griffin. June 22, 2009.


With Michael Jackson’s death, I’ve already forgotten about the shady lady from Argentina, and wonder if Sky Saxon of the Seeds (alev ha-sholem) has just become the Aldous Huxley of June 25, 2009. Glad Jeff Goldblum has a better sense of timing. June 26, 2009.

In local news, I witnessed Buddy Scotto, practically in tears, begging Chuck Schumer to kill the Gowanus Canal Superfund cleanup, “You’re the only one who can stop this.“ Chuck explained to him that he doesn’t intervene in local issues where the community is divided. June 26, 2009.


Beach Boys Coolness Ranking: 1) Brian; 2) Dennis; 3) Carl; 4) Glen Campbell; 5) Blondie Chaplin; 6) Ricki Fataar; 7) Al 8) David Marks; 9) Bruce Johnston; 10) What his name? July 18, 2008.


Roots music lesson of the day: Ellington is brilliant, but I still prefer Basie, because the blues and the beat are always present, rather than just implied–truly a forefather of R&B and Rock and Roll. Hampton, on the other hand, frequently is R&B and Rock and Roll. August 23, 2009.


What better time than during remembrances of Camelot to have a moment of silence, this one without caveats, for Ellie Greenwich: Do I love you my oh my, River deep, Mountain High; if I lost you I would cry, oh how I love you baby, baby baby. August 26, 2009.


Despite my skepticism about the Ted Kennedy beatification, the story linked here contains perhaps the loveliest anecdote ever told about the late senator; I hope that it is true: http://www.forward.com/articles/112893/ A Lion Who Roared for the Least Fortunate – Forward.com www.forward.comAugust 31, 2009


So little time, so many people to piss off. September 9, 2009.


Democracy is so tiring. September 14, 2009.


Gatey nationally linked as a Democratic critic of ACORN/WFP: http://www.politico.com/blogs/bensmith/0909/ACORN_allies_score_big_win_in_New_York.html?showall ACORN, allies score big win in New York – Ben Smith – POLITICO.com www.politico.com September 16, 2009


Primary results sucked, and my car got towed too. September 16, 2009.


Predictions: DeBlasio 56%, Liu 55%. Hope I’m wrong. September 29, 2009.


Attended a City Hall News party honoring 40 overachievers who are under 40–most of whom proved how they earned the title by not attending. I’m planning a party for New York’s 50 most notable underachievers over 50, so I can get a little recognition. September 30, 2009.


Listening to Count Basie do "Green Onions." Booker T surely was flattered. October 17, 2009


Dybbuk had a dream he saw a Thompson ad (a thing which only happens in a dream) and now he keeps ranting that "Enough is Enough!" and "Mayor Mike Must Go!" October 25, 2009


Rabbi Yoffie shows "J Street" the real meaning of "Pro-Israel and Pro-Peace." The speech includes well deserved rebukes to the left, the Jewish right and most of the Arab leadership: http://blogs.rj.org/reform/2009/10/rabbi-yoffie-speaks-at-first-n.html

Rabbi Yoffie Speaks at First National J Street Conference – Reform Judaism blogs.rj.org October 26, 2009


Listening to Nappy Brown, even though it’s morning and he said “Night Time is the Right Time.” October 30, 2009


Last night, six year old Dybbuk told his Aunt Feige that Bloomberg was for McCain, so he was for Thompson. While technically not the case, it spoke a higher truth, so I did not correct him. November 3, 2009


They say a miniature schnauzer is "the dog with a human brain," our problem is that out new puppy Cerberus’ human is George W Bush November 9, 2009



This article about the politics of the Stupak Amendment should please absolutely no one: http://www.tnr.com/article/stupak-stupak-does?utm_source=TNR+Daily&utm_campaign=b3ef4f8475-TNR_Daily_111309&utm_medium=email Stupak Is As Stupak Does | The New Republic www.tnr.com November 14, 2009


Listening to "The Great Gates," who is not to be confused with Gatemouth Brown (or Gatemouth Moore): http://bebopwinorip.blogspot.com/2008/03/great-gates-west-coast-r-n-b-1949-1952_9942.html November 19, 2009


Room 8 was "hacked." Some would say it was from the day I joined it.

November 29, 2009


If I wasn't already taken, I might just propose Senator Savino speaks on Marriage Equality www.youtube.com December 2, 2009


Almost as good as Diane Savino on Same-sex Marriage "The Hebrew Mamita" Vanessa Hidary (Def Poetry) www.youtube.com December 2, 2009


Tiger is great at sinking his putts: Topical Song of the Week http://www.dailymotion.com/video/xubpu_muddy-waters-tiger-in-your-tank_music Dailymotion – Muddy Waters – Tiger In Your Tank – a Music video www.dailymotion.com December 8, 2009


Celebrated the Jewish victory over assimilation (Hellenization) with four different Christmas Ales and seven gentiles (four of them Hellenic) December 13, 2009


Thoughts of Dead White European Males Department: An Adam Smith-type analysis of Hanukah–wonder what Karl Marx would say Can Hanukkah save the Jewish faith from assimilation? – By Ray Fisman – Slate Magazine www.slate.com December 14, 2009


Mickey Kaus argues for the Nick Lowe method of passing health care reform: "Bash it out now; tart it up later." I think I may agree.Kausfiles : Pong, You're Dead: The Dems' Secret Weapon

www.slate.com December 14, 2009


The case for passing the damned thing, no matter what's in it (or isn't), part two: Why liberals won't get anything for giving up the public option. – By Timothy Noah – Slate Magazine www.slate.com December 15, 2009


Listening to "Well I Got Troubles" by Johnny Powers (the only artist to record for both Sun and Motown), possibly the only rockabilly song ever produced by Marvin Gaye. December 16, 2009


Worked the room hard at Skurnik's party, because, even after all these years, there were still some people I had yet to piss off, and if there's one thing I am better at collecting than vinyl LPs, it is enemies. December 17, 2009


The case for passing the damned thing, no matter what's in it (or isn't), part three: Op-Ed Columnist – Pass the Bill – NYTimes.com

www.nytimes.com December 18, 2009


Worst Facebook Suggestion of all time: “Pedro Espada; Add as friend” He sure ain’t my Amigo. December 18, 2009


When has starting all over ever helped anyone get medical care, Doctor Dean?: Steven Pearlstein – Kennedy Saw Health-Care Reform Fail in the '70s; Today's Lawmakers Don't Have To www.washingtonpost.com December 19, 2009


The case for passing the damned thing, part five Op-Ed Columnist – The New Perils of Pauline – NYTimes.com www.nytimes.com December 19, 2009


There are those who think I'm a conservative, because I liked Obama's Nobel Prize speech, support him on national security issues and want to pass health care. If that's what being conservative means, I'll cop to the rap. December 19, 2009


If one disqualified everything involving George Clinton, James Brown or Allen Toussaint, Could this be the all time funkiest instrumental over? DUSTY NUGGETS: RAW, FUNKY & RARE SOULFUL GOODIES: OFF INTO A BLACK THING dustynuggets.blogspot.com December 19, 2009


The case for passing the damned thing, part six Why I Still Believe In This Bill | The New Republic www.tnr.com December 20, 2009


Listening to the complete Aladdin Recordings of Charles Brown; essentially what the King Cole Trio would have sounded like if they were black December 20, 2009


Perils of Parenthood: watching Flintstone specials celebrating the birth of an historic figure Fred and Barney surely anteceded. December 20, 2009


HCR passes Senate: Well, we've watched the sausage being made, and now we must remember that the Rabbis told us that it is better to eat pork than to starve–as long as one does not suck the marrow from the bones [I think the Rabbis weren't really worried about manners, but about getting unnecessary enjoyment from something necessary, but sinful. Hence the urban myth about the hole in the sheet].

The House should now pass the damned thing as is, lest their attempts to improve it make the damned thing even less palatable You may not like the meal, but it the only one being served. The Repubs will never give us a single vote, so the only way to get to 60 was to the right. What were we supposed to do, scare Lieberman by threatening his renomination? Obama tried appealing to the grassroots, but jerks like Dennis Kucinich were too busy whining about single payer (which Obama had repudiated before his election) for the netroots to get excited about the public option. So there was no other route available but to go right in search of vote. WTF were we supposed to find the votes? By scaring Ben Nelson?

Thirty million more Americans covered; no more refusal to cover pre-existing conditions, dozens of incremental improvements. And, as LBJ might note, this particular cherry has now been busted.

Remember, the last time we blew this chance, it took 16 more years before we could even get it on the table again. If we blow this, it will be another generation before Congress will even touch it.


J.J. Goldberg continues to serve no master but the truth; something to tick off both the anti-Israel left and right-wing Zionists

Four Myths About the Mideast and Real Estate – Forward.com

www.forward.com December 21, 2009


Do we celebrate Giuliani's taking the dive, or do we mourn the opportunity to kick his butt? December 21, 2009


Actually, we celebrate Christmas with our gentile relatives (what, you don't have any?) Hulu – Saturday Night Live: Christmas for the Jews Song www.hulu.com December 23, 2009


Poker, but don't poke her; an alternate way to celebrate (and celibate) Christmas eve The little-known Jewish holiday of Christmas Eve. Seriously. – By Benyamin Cohen – Slate Magazine www.slate.com December 23, 2009


The only question is whether Steely Dan will now cover "The Bear Missed The Train" The man who told A Christmas Story. – By Donald Fagen – Slate Magazine www.slate.com December 23, 2009


Post, then duck. The fight over abortion insurance is smaller than it looks. – By William Saletan – Slate Magazine www.slate.com December 23, 2009


Stop whining already! And The Rest Is Just Noise | The New Republic

www.tnr.com December 24, 2009


Listening to Billy Chinnock, a Jersey Boy who put together a band with Danny Federici, Gary Tallent, David Sancious and "Mad Dog Lopez," but lost them during a long illness to another local. Verdict: the boy had talent, but his sound never got much beyond "The Wild, The Innocent.." On the other hand, some may find this his greatest virtue.1

December 24, 2009


Right character; wrong holiday Hanukkah Harry Video by Saturday Night Live – MySpace Video vids.myspace.com December 24, 2009


Who will object more; the right or left? Year One | The New Republic

www.tnr.com December 28, 2009


Are local political blogs dead in New York? Exhibit One. The Albany Project does an end of the year survey and gets 45 participants.the albany project:: End of the Year Poll: Who Was the Worst Albany Embarrassment of 2009? December 29, 2009


This article documents the ridiculous conservative objections to every social reform of the last century and a half.

Nonetheless, this assertion about banning child labor does have the indicia of truth, at least in my house: “[T]he child will become a very dominant factor in the household and …might refuse perhaps to do chores before six a.m. or after seven p.m. or to perform any labor.”

Women’s Suffrage And Other Visions Of Right-Wing Apocalypse | The New Republic www.tnr.com December 29, 2009


Not sure I agree with it all, but it is a clear-eyed assessment The Foreign Policy Awards | The New Republic www.tnr.com December 29, 2009


My FB friend AJ Weberman, most famous for going thru Bob Dylan's garbage, wants you to vote that he is indeed annoying. Take my word for it, it is true AmIAnnoying.com www.amiannoying.com December 29, 2009


Dog bites man story: Republicans engage in intellectual dishonesty and the press swallows it whole. President Obama takes the heat President Bush did not – – POLITICO.com www.politico.com December 30, 2009


Kean commission members complains about FIVE YEARS OF INACTION. No reasons for Dems to feel proud or vindicated, but one must ask where that puts 80% of the blame. Sounds familiar – Ben Smith – POLITICO.com www.politico.com December 31, 2009


The White House on Cheney: "The difference is this: President Obama doesn’t need to beat his chest to prove it, and — unlike the last Administration — we are not at war with a tactic (“terrorism”), we at war with something that is tangible: Al Qaeda and its violent extremist allies. And we will prosecute that war as long as the American people are endangered." White House: We know we're 'at war' – Ben Smith – POLITICO.com www.politico.com December 31, 2009


Joe Klein: "The denizens of the left blogosphere consider themselves the Democratic Party's base. But they are not. For Democrats, as opposed to Republicans, the wing is not the base; the legions of loyal African Americans, union members, Jews, women and Latinos are. In the end, the sillier left-village practitioners a…re stoking the same populist exaggeration — the idea that Washington is controlled by crooks and sellouts — that conservative strategists like Bill Kristol believe will bring the Republicans back to power. The perversity of this is beyond comprehension."

As I noted during the campaign, the Obama promise to do a non-single payer plan without mandates may have been his lowest moment as a candidate. Without mandates, the cost of a non-single payer plan would be astronomical. I didn't mind so much the dishonesty in and of itself, but when he attacked Hillary for it in his advertising, I was appalled, since she was just being honest.

I submit that Klein's conclusion about health care is correct. This bill improves on the status quo. As someone who'd prefer single payer (which was never promised during the campaign, and in fact, explicitly rejected), I am disappointed by the flaws, but the status quo is vastly improved, and once the law is in place, reconciliation will allow a lot of changes (though probably not, as far as I read the rules, a public option) to be made with just a majority.

Sadly, this plan appears to be close to the best we are going to get. And sadly, the idea that we should destroy the village in order to save its purity appears to be worthy of the sneers.

Those who would kill this plan because of its flaws would surely be burying health care for another generation Bloggers Left and Right Agree to Hate Health Care Reform – TIME www.time.com December 31, 2009