The Gateway (Putting My Caveats in a Row Edition)

Young Men’s Islamic Association developer Sharif El-Gamal seems to enjoy the gamier side of life a bit too much to be a Wahabbist, and seems too angry to be a Sufi; he bears a far greater resemblance to a US Senator from Louisiana crossed with a State Senator from Flatbush.

Nonetheless, it is worth remembering that if NYC barred the sleazy from the development of real estate projects, our skyline would resemble that of Dayton, Ohio, but with more open spaces. Park51 developer Sharif El-Gamal has a history of run-ins with the law


Comptroller John Liu’s office brings up the prospect of tax free financing for the Young Men’s Islamic Association. My question here has nothing to do with religion; I would fight to the death for the rights of those who want to build this facility, but regardless of their religion, anyone who is asking for tax free financing had better meet the empirical standards for such a program. Ground Zero Muslim center may get public financing | Reuters Further, there seems reason to believe they might not qualify (though to be fair, they've already done more with the Coat Factory than the Port Authority has done with Ground Zero)


This article is more of the usual Post agitprop, but it does includes the startling revelation that Iman Rauf favors a one-state solution, an utterly despicable position he happens shares with Dov Hkind. However, if this is going to be the basis upon which the City judges religiously affiliated facilities with swimming pools, it is going to have to close down the Sephardic Community Center. and if it applies this standard to facilities without swimming pools, it will have to close down the NY Post. Organizers collect first 10G for Ground Zero mosque –


As much as the mayor's been great on this Islamic Association issue, one cannot help but notice the monumental unlikeliness of his assertion that every 9-11 victim’s family he’s spoken with favors the facility proposed for the Holy Mother Coat Factory. The only thing which might exceed this unlikeliness is the Mayor’s foolishness in making such an assertions. Burlingame says Bloomberg 'misrepresents' families, calls him 'disgrace' – Maggie Haberman – POLITIC


A winner from Daly; won't say more, as it speaks for itself. Time of unity at Ground Zero seems long gone now as Sarah Palin, Glenn Beck play politics


It takes one to know one department: Wright: Obama Muslim myth believers 'sycophants' – Times Union


Leading neo-con thinker bemoans the late John McCain, and the imposter who's doing a bad impersonation of him. McCain's lost cred in border debate –


While in the current atmosphere, I can sympathize with the desire to pander by taking shots at a guy who should really learn to put a sock into it, I really wish Democrats would do the same and shut up about firing Alan Simpson. Something does need to be done about Social Security, and Simpson serve a useful purpose in getting to that goal.

As to what should be done, Gail Collins is so dead-on that I think Obama should instead fire one of the commission's Dems and replace them with Ms. Collins. Gail Collins: Fixing Social Security


Dispatch from the Big Sleazy: The Republican Senate primary contestants in Louisiana do their drilling on-shore; and like their neighbors, have trouble staying dry. Scandal Takes Surprising Turn in Louisiana’s Republican Senate Primary


Could it be a coincidence that the guy with the inflated resume who was involved in the hit and run accident is the one who wants a truce on negative campaigning? Schneiderman's Letter Fails to Civilize AG Race | The New York Observer


While I would rather drink bathwater than support either Adam Powell or Jonathan Tasini, and Vince Morgan and Joyce Johnson seem highly unlikely victors, this article accidentally makes the case that any vote cast against Rangel is a vote which has not been wasted. Big margin in primaries could strengthen scandal-plagued Rep. Charlie Rangel against ethics panel