Raise High the Roof Beam

Raise High the Roof Beam


By Michael Boyajian


Conservative economic policies are nothing more than a sham.  During the 1950s and 60s government spending was robust as we fought the Korean and Vietnam Wars, landed a man on the moon and engaged in a cold war with the Soviet Union.  Yet we experienced prosperity unmatched in the annals of human history. 


Enter the conservatives in 1980, after the admittedly weak economy of the 1970s, and faux prosperity takes hold.  The rich grow richer yes but wage growth stops and jobs begin disappearing here heading overseas as the middle class shrinks.


Under conservative economics America has declined so much that now thanks to their voodoo ways we are approaching second class status compared to China.  The conservative economic policies of no spending and extreme tax cuts are a lot of bull and are not even adhered to most of the time by their Republican supplicants.


We must break out of the falsehood known as conservative economics and return to the great society economics of JFK and LBJ with its balance of tempered taxes and engaged yet controlled spending so that America can regain its economic stamina and take the lead once again as the world’s unchallenged super economy.  So throw out these bean counting dullards and bring in the visionaries, who made this nation into a super power, and raise high the roof beam once again.

