Steel Like Roman Fortitude

Steel Like Roman Fortitude


By Michael Boyajian


I once did extensive reading on Ancient Rome and visited the ruins that were the very nerve center of that Empire and there is one thing I learned about its emperors, generals and senators.  They all had steel like Roman fortitude and risked their very lives for glory and victory and advancement of empire.


Now contrary to what some deluded neo cons believe America is not an empire though it is a super power.  And that doesn’t mean that our president cannot have steel like Roman fortitude.  Now I know one thing for sure a Roman emperor would make short work of Republican Congressional foes and uncooperative generals as described by Bob Woodward.


That is what our president must do is first release the current crop of military leaders and bring in Colin Powell whether he wants to come aboard or not along with some Young Turks who wear the uniform in service of country not the history books.


Then in order to preserve the Democratic majority in Congress the president starting today must expose his GOP foes as the supplicants they are of the rich corporate elitists.  Yes it is an epic battle for the very future of the country, a monumental power struggle similar to the strife that followed the death of Caesar where in the end Emperor Augustus reigned supreme atop the greatest empire the world had seen.


That is what the president must do.  No more talk about reaching out to political foes and transparency just the straight use of presidential power to walk over those that oppose and obstruct for their own agenda in the service of the rich corporate interests.


Now our founding fathers knew their Roman history and knew that they too risked all challenging the British Empire but they delivered and believe me they would consider today’s tea party types as nothing but a bunch of carnival clowns.  And the president must stand up to the tea party crowd too for they are the puppets of the Republican bosses and money interests.


And all this talk about big government being bad government is a lot of bull.  Ancient Rome was a vast government of visionaries that lasted one thousand years not a land of bean counters with zero imagination.  And don’t think that an American president cannot take on such fortitude.  Just think of JFK and his pledge to send a man to the moon and bring him back safely to Earth a promise that we delivered on unseen in the annals of human endeavor.


So this is a Roman perspective on an American presidency, an American nation in its infancy so that it too may last a millennium as did the Romans that came before it nineteen centuries ago.

