The Gateway (Drunk and Falling Asleep at My Computer Edition)

Gee if I realized Hevesi's son (they one who got the seat via a deal which was the subject of Ray Harding's guilty plea) had an opponent, I would have endorsed him.

It might have even made a difference.

I'm not sure the Republicans noticed they had a candidate either. All that effort to pick up a seat in Queens and they targeted the wrong race. Normally I'd laugh out loud, but I fear the laugh is on us.



To all my friends on the left who say we would have done better if only we remained truer liberals, I have just two word:




When we planned our summer vacation in Delaware, I knew I was on to something.



The ugliness has already begun, and the corruption has already returned. This is clearly worse than any of Charlie Rangel's illegal apartments. Return Of The K Street Project | The New Republic



What was Jon Stewart thinking? I'm all for free speech, but I would not give a place on my platform to those who call for the death of others or exercising there's.

Pam Geller has free speech too, but I wouldn't let her sing a song at my rally.Rushdie: Stewart's Cat Stevens stance 'depressing' – Ben Smith



Jews were not the real target; only the consolation prize Were Jews the Target of the Yemen Cargo Bombs? – Jeffrey Goldberg – International – The Atlantic



Kinsley throws cold water on "American Exceptionalism" Opinion: U.S. is not greatest country ever – Michael Kinsley