The Gateway (Clams at Sam’s IS the Caravan of Dreams Edition)

Pelosi for Minority Leader?

And why not?

She was a very successful Minority Leader; she has proven she can do THAT job well. House Speaker Pelosi to Run for Minority Leader –



The thesis: Obama should have been less “transactional” and more “transformational.“

Yes, that's the ticket: better speeches and even less accomplishment. Who needs deal-making, if we all believe in fairies, we can enact landmark legislation without compromising. How Obama lost his voice, and how he can get it back – Los Angeles Times



A stunning mathematical repudiation of the insane idea the Democrats lost this election because they were too conservative.

And yes, I did notice Lizza's contrarian conclusion, which may also be correct; summation: “If you're gonna be gangbanged, you might as well come.” News Desk: The Obama Agenda and the Midterm Wave : The New Yorker



Can’t wait to hear the spin on Fox: “America voted for the Republicans and the economy's improving already.” America's economy: The economic soft spot is ending | The Economist



"But if someone has burned down your house you would not fire your new contractor because he has not rebuilt it overnight and then hire the arsonist to finish the job." (h/t to Joe Monk) Americans Against Themselves by Ronald Dworkin | NYRBlog | The New York Review of Books



Whoda thunk?

My ideological score was 276 out of 400. I'm "very progressive."

Better take the damn thing again. Interactive Quiz: How Progressive Are You?



I pretty much agree with what Bloomie said here, but the nerve of this man calling anyone else arrogant is exceeded in its monumentality and arrogance only by that of the guy (Murdoch) who found Bloomie's diss of the Prez so newsworthy Mayor Bloomberg: People Elected To Congress "Can't Read"



For perhaps the first time in his life, Malcolm Smith acknowledges the obvious Smith: Power-Sharing Is Possible



Jimmy Mac: "Without any money to run for office, paid staff members, political support or resources of any kind…I twice achieved official status as a candidate for the governor of the state of New York…My campaign was a clear and concise illustration of 'doing more with less"

Translation: "I submitted a package of blank pages wrapped in a couple of sheets of forgeries, and still managed to make the ballot."
'Rent is too Damn High' candidate Jimmy McMillan wants to tell Andrew Cuomo how to do more with less



Has the Caravan of Dreams moved to Harlem?: I know logic impels I should feel differently, but somehow, to me, giving $200,000 to Ornette Coleman is money well spent Jazz man Ornette Coleman stiffing Harlem nonprofit on taxpayer-backed loan –



Solomon Burke's new album, "Nothing's Impossible," is his best studio work since his days at Atlantic (even beating the sessions with Swamp Dogg). The reason just might be that it is not only Burke's final album, but that of the producer, Willie Mitchell, who spent about 40 years trying to get Burke to join him a recording studio. Luckily, he finally succeeded just in time. Nothing's Impossible – Solomon Burke



Has anyone who argues that there is only one truth path for Jews ever tasted the Clams Posillipo at Sam's?