Pataki: Conservative Light

The New York Times reports that former New York governor George Pataki is considering a run for the Republican nomination for president.  Mr. Pataki would be a formidable candidate in the GOP primary carrying with him moderate appeal and conservative credentials.


Mr. Pataki would appeal to all segments of the GOP not just conservatives but unlike other moderates who haven’t got a chance with conservative GOP primary voters he does in fact reach these voters with his conservative light message.


This can be seen in his first gubernatorial run where he faced far more conservative GOP candidates than himself yet managed to garner the support of moderate New York City Republicans while receiving the blessing of Mike Long chairman of the New York State Conservative Party.


The Conservative Party was originally a wing of the state’s GOP but broke away from its liberal sister forming its own doctrinal conservative movement in New York guaranteeing that no Republican candidate could win office without its support but for Rudy Giuliani.


So for Pataki to garner their support shows that he can as a moderate pull in conservative voters around the country.  He also has great stature when compared to other possible GOP candidates.  Against three time governor Pataki, who is a strong environmentalist and top firm attorney, Palin looks goofy, Romney wishy washy, Gingrich past his prime, Huckabee a little slow, Barbour too regional and Pawlenty, well something I am not sure what.


Pataki would also be a threat in the general election where his moderate luster would draw in the powerful independent voting bloc that swings elections to either Democrats on the left or Conservatives on the right.  Something that team Obama should certainly be worried about especially after the 2010 midterms where Democrats lost the independent voters big time.  Pataki did after all knock off liberal icon Mario Cuomo in his first run for governor.