The Gateway (Brooklyn Nostalgia, Circa 1982 Edition)

Who's feeling old today?" Stephen Solarz, Nine-Term Congressman, Dies at 70



Behold: the rare New York political column I'd wished I'd written. Steve created Chuck in his own image, so naturally they ended up as enemies. Steve Solarz (1940-2010) and the making of Senator Schumer | Capital New York



The Manhattan Beach Esplanade is one of Brooklyn's lost wonders, bringing back memories of the days when Steve Solarz served in Congress and pretended to live in the neighborhood, Disco Freddy danced in the middle of Sheepshead Bay Road and “Pop and Son's” served a full course dinner, complete with a cart full of Jewish "goodies," while facing stiff competition from Senior’s, Martin’s and the Pavilion. Not to mention the delis! Plan to reopen fenced-off Manhattan Beach section to public –



Some bank lent the State Senate Dems $2.4 million. The bank is located in "Flushing," which was exactly the word I thought of to describe the transaction. Senate Dems’ Bank Practices ‘Unsafe And Unsound’



A Jimmy McMillan Documentary? Are they going to call it "Triumph of the Ill"? Presenting 'Damn: A Feature Length Documentary About Jimmy McMillan' [VIDEO] | The New York Observer



Speaking of “ill,” perhaps this is the wrong person to be giving advice about saving an administration in distress. A seven-point plan to save Obama's presidency.



My theory is that some in the Palestinian “government” want to stop a two state solution at all costs (because it entails trading their perfect dream for a less satisfying reality), and saying stuff like this will infuriate the Israelis, ensuring that the talks will blow up and the Jews will get the blame.

So of course, the best way to spite the bastards is to keep fighting for peace. Obama Administration Condemns Palestinian Western Wall Report | NJDC Blog



Jewish-Arab cooperation in the pursuit of peace seems futile? Goldberg finds something even more futile; Jewish-Arab cooperation in the pursuit of war. The Impotence of the Pan-Semitic Front – Jeffrey Goldberg – International – The Atlantic



"92 Percent Find Fighting Alongside Gays Fine"–I like this; all of it, except the fighting part, which I could live without. The DADT Report: "92 Percent Find Fighting Alongside Gays Fine" – The Daily Dish | By Andrew



Of course, Barton was only speaking metaphorically, and I hope he understands I am doing the same when I wish he chokes to death on the first bite of tonite's dinner. Powerful Republican suggests to colleagues he’d shoot at Obama | Raw Story



Is the GOP really beyond redemption? Let's ask the experts. Former Bush official: GOP ‘beyond redemption’ | Raw Story



It’s just a state that can't vote no, and now it has wrought a fury with a (lunatic) fringe atop. Intolerance and the Law in Oklahoma