The Gateway (John Lennon Must Have Known Andrea Peyser Personally Edition) [Revised: one more bad pun added]

I've been charitable with Andrea Peyser, assuming that she was just too stupid to be held accountable for the outrageous things she say, but today she pretty much endorsed the right of cab drivers to personally decide who they serve, solely on the basis of race, an idea, which, if taken to its logical conclusion would mean a black male could never get a ride anywhere (not to mention violating the Civil Rights Act of 1964).

In honor of John Lennon I ask Ms. Peyser, "How Do You Sleep?”



A feel good story for the holidays. FBI Informant Preaches Jihad, Muslims Turn Him In : Dispatches from the Culture Wars



LARRY SCHWARTZ: "We're out of money, we're out of cash, we're out of business," Query: Did he say that in his capacity as head of OTB, or his capacity as Paterson's Chief of Staff? Beating a dead horse



New York voters favor cutting services, as long as they're not asked to think of any. New York State (NY) Poll * December 9, 2010 * 97 Percent Of New Yorkers Say – Quinnipiac University



The "Dream act" redefined:



Unindicted co-conspirator Jack Chartier keeps taking down his ex-friends, while Andy Stein cops a plea. Being an ex of Peggy "Mod Squad" Lipton is the legal equivalent of bedding Typhoid Mary. Months ago, I wondered when the other show would drop for Quincy Jones; today we learned his daughter (and hers) was implicated in the pension scandal. Andrew Cuomo pay-to-play pension probe nails Hevesi pal Patricia Lynch



A half million dollar fine for Lynch! Now that's a sign of prosperity. She's come a long way from being Marty Markowitz's ex-girlfriend. Pat Lynch caught up in pension scandal



I'd tell Markowitz to keep his day job, but that would actually be worse. Marty's favorite lanes: beep sings tribute to bike lane debate



Perfect. Anti-Semite Jimmy McMillan to perform at nightclub catering to natives of the country which led the league in pogroms and helping the Nazis implement the final solution.

Am I paranoid to wonder if this is really a coincidence? Jimmy McMillan to Take The Rent Is Too Damn High to the Stage | The New York Observer






Freedom Party loses to WFP in 57 of the City's 65 Assembly Districts and declares victory.



This mamzer beat me to my next “analyze the vote” piece (or at least part of it) Stats: Orthodox/Hasidic Borough Park, Brooklyn Voted Republican « Yossi Gestetner



Kilgore asks: "Let's Say Tax Deal Rebellion Succeeds: Then What?"

I could not answer the question. Let's Say Tax Deal Rebellion Succeeds: Then What? | Democratic Strategist

If we had a draft, DADT would not be an issue; Limbaugh would be screaming every night about how the gays were shirking their obligation to defend their country.



As a centrist Dem who gleefully attacks the excesses of the left, I heartily recommend this article from the iconoclastic Hitch (a "leftist" who is far to the right of me on many issues) and wonder where (outside of Frum, and sometimes Brooks) are our GOP counterparts. Tea'd Off



Well, I protest things which are really awful, and it's really awful that Edwards died. Westboro Baptist Church To Picket Elizabeth Edwards Funeral



Gittlin: Assange no Ellsberg. WikiLeaks Reaction: Julian Assange, Daniel Ellsberg, And The Future Of Whistle-blowing. | The New Re



Hertzberg: "Perhaps the two biggest secrets that the WikiLeaks leaks leaked are that the private face of American foreign policy looks pretty much like its public face and that the officials who carry it out do a pretty good job. Both are true with respect to Iran and its nuclear ambitions, to judge from the cables, which add a great deal of textural detail to what was already known. President Obama’s approach, at once more conciliatory and tougher than his predecessor’s, has followed two tracks. It has combined “engagement”—a readiness to negotiate while abjuring “regime change” rhetoric—with a drive for serious economic sanctions. The Administration won Russia’s cooperation on sanctions after it cancelled a missile-defense system in Poland and the Czech Republic and replaced it with a sea-based system; it won China’s, as the cables show, after persuading the Saudis to guarantee the Chinese an undiminished supply of oil. The policy has been implemented with skill and determination: the sanctions are biting, and a new round of talks begins this week in Geneva.” What WikiLeaks tells us about Iran



And, I do wonder about all the leftists who suddenly think it's OK to keep on fucking after you're told to stop because the condom broke (guess she was concerned about possible wiki leaks)



Conservative Heather MacDonald attacks right wing foreign policy paranoia:

"I would love to see Dinesh D’Souza and all the other right-wing hysterics who are hawking the idea of Obama’s scary Otherness explain how these diplomatic cables contribute in any way to their thesis. I would love to see them nominate their favorite dispatches that demonstrate Obama’s efforts to undermine American power and to elevate socialism, Third World radicalism, and anti-colonialism over traditional American interests. To the contrary, the cables demonstrate a continuity of American foreign policy and discourse from the Bush to the Obama administrations. The Obama-era dispatches show the same assumptions about the need to maintain American supremacy as have been harbored by every previous administration" Obama paranoia and Wikileaks · Secular Right



Now here's some leak I can get behind. Leaked memos reveal how Fox News spun health care debate