Waiting for the Chickens to Home to Roost

It's hard, under the circumstances, to work up the motivation to write about the same things I've written about over and over, going back to a time when it wasn't too late to do something about it. Is it then technically impossible to avoid a repeat of the 1970s for public services, with higher taxes and the needy not being cared for (then senior citizen bag ladies abandoned by those younger, now younger people raped by the same people who are now older)? It is worse than being technically impossible. It is technically possible — with a decade of blood, toil and shared sacrifice — but politically impossible with Generation Greed still in change and fully vested under the deals they have made with themselves.

This city was almost destroyed in the 1970s, but the debts and pensions were paid. Taxes were paid in exchange for nothing. The infrastructure fell apart. Multiple generations of NYC children were not educated. How many members of the state legislature lost their jobs? Well, this time the destruction will be state wide, and in lots of other states too, so you may not be able to flee to the suburbs and leave and smoking ruin behind. Perhaps the folks elsewhere in New York will figure out a way to throw the bastards out without putting the other bastards in.