The Gateway (Room 8 Down for a Day and All This Stuff Piled Up Edition)

AdamsCare. Act for the Relief of Sick & DisabledSeamen, July 1798



The essence of Obamism distilled: "As the executive order I am signing makes clear, we are seeking more affordable, less intrusive means to achieve the same ends—giving careful consideration to benefits and costs. This means writing rules with more input from experts, businesses and ordinary citizens. It means using disclosure as a tool to inform consumers of their choices, rather than restricting those choices." How A ‘Wall Street Journal’ Op-Ed Offers A Window Into The Essence Of Obama-ism | The New Republic



Republicans vote to endanger our National Security, yet none dare call it treason. What Some Conservatives Don't Yet Get | Center for a New American Security



I'm no fan of Christie, but he's clearly smart, and here's the proof. Friend: Christie declined SOTU response – Ben Smith



Just in case anyone is getting misty eyed about Cheney's kinda sorta half hearted embrace of the most mild form of gun regulation, Sully reminds us that he is both pure evil's embodiment and a hypocrite. The Big Lie, Ctd – The Daily Dish | By Andrew Sullivan



Next, they'll be banning "Big Love." Another step toward Romney 2012: Marriott bans porn – Ben Smith



An appalling piece of pimpwork in which Michael Barone claims Sargent Shriver for the Reaganites by ignoring not only George McGovern, but the WAR ON POVERTY(!?!?!?!?!) which Reagan did his best to destroy, and succeeded in severely curtailing We don't know jack



Republicans rail about the liberal media's efforts to enforce political correctness, but lack even a quarter teste's worth of the balls to face up to their own clearly deranged thought police. Eric Cantor And The Birthers | The New Republic



Speaking of political correctness, let us not forget the European Left, who so profoundly betrays with their every expressed thought the wish that Hitler had finished the job so as to relive them of any inconvenience.

And yet, none dare call it Anti-Semitism.

Of course not, because after all, Arabs are Semites too (WhackaJew, whackaJew)

August Bebel called anti-Semitism “The Socialism of Fools;” the Guardian just calls it “Socialism” and embraces it.

If Israel's first Prime Minister, a Socialist collective farmer born David Green, were alive today, he'd turn over in his grave.

And then the Guardian would condone that grave being turned over to someone who would deface it. Palestine papers: the Holy Basin | Just Journalism



An Israeli argues for optimism about Israel (special bonus points for the part about the dead Rabbi who came back to life to sign the open letter). A Special Place in Hell-Israel News – Haaretz Israeli News source.



After opposing Park51, The ADL emerges as a defender of proposed mosques. This is what is known as penance. Perhaps by now they've come to understand that opposition to Park 51 is merely one more manifestation of what they now oppose. Opponent of NY Islamic center becomes advocate for mosques nationwide


Although my disdain for the State Senate Democrats is no secret, one can hardly say I’ve been overly enthusiastic about Jeff Klein’s Paleface Caucus. Yet in demanding the right to seat the Palefaces as they please, the Senate Democrats have abandoned even the pretense of the moral high ground. Eric Adams argues that it should have be left up to Senate Democratic Conference Leader John Sampson to determine where to seat his members, and I agree. But if Klein and company are unclear about much of their agenda, one things is crystal clear:

They are not Sampson's members.

And Adams’ assertions about gender discrimination are just offensive. The Palefaces basically have the same percentages of women they do The State Senate's Great (Chair) Debate: Updated



Beware of Greeks bearing gifts of non-partisanship. GOP Pushback To Independent Redistricting Plan Begins To Take Hold



The Washington Monthly, along with The New Republic (TNR), the liberal magazine most strongly in favor of educational reforms disliked by the Teacher's Unions, joins TNR in editorially dissing Cathie Black. Tilting at Windmills – Charles Peters



The King's Speech appears to be despicable. The King's Speech: good movie, very bad history.



I’m doing a lot of self searching to try to figure out which unspeakable crime of nature I committed which led to my getting a link from Gary Tilzer True News: Organized Crime Contract CityTime

My G-d; Tilzer did it twice the same week. This time the ”Bloomberg is Lindsay” piece, which is a favorite of right wingers, left wingers, and now, misanthropic loners. True News: Search results for gatemouth



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