The Gateway (Farshtunkener Edition)

Kudos to the Albany Times Union for this long overdue exposure of “Rabbi” Bernard “Berish” Freilich, a pompous bag of wind operating a reign of self-absorption and abuse of power under the color of law. The only thing they missed is that, during his witness tampering trial a few years ago, “Rabbi” Freilich admitted, under oath, that he is NOT an ordained Rabbi.

The strangest part is how even the most useless and offensive Hasidic patronage employees survive from administration to administration as if they had civil service protection. I understand Hakoras Ha Tov — essentially Yiddish for “dancing with those who bring ya”– but this is dancing with those who scthupped ya (and not in the good way).
To ask whether this farshtunkener is worth our tax dollars in the lean years misses the point.

This farshtunkener ain't worth our tax dollars in the fat years! Rabbi wearing a badge not a police officer – Times Union



The fundamental point made by the author of this piece about Human Rights in the Middle East is both sound and important:

Where is all the protest against the far worse human rights records of every country in the Middle East other than Israel?

I have many problems with this piece. I think it would have been a better and more effective article if the author had acknowledged some unpleasant truths instead of whitewashing them. I only wish Chait or Goldberg had done this piece first.

Let’s face facts, Israeli Arabs may not be victims of apartheid, but they are discriminated against, and Arabs in the territories are not free, PERIOD.

Further, I would not like to see the Old Testament or the Talmud cherry-picked the way this piece does the Koran.

But those complaints do not answer the article's central point. Why is it that the only outrage directed at Human Rights abuses in the Middle East is targeted at the area’s least offensive offender?

D’Jew have an answer? What About "Arab Apartheid Week"? :: Hudson New York



Called upon his hypocrisy about terror (something I’ve been complaining about for years), Peter King made amends by inviting a group of Muslims out for a Guinness. King and the IRA – Ben Smith



Though I've never much agreed with him, George Will was once someone who compelled thoughtful response, but he's been coasting for years. That's why this article about the failings of Schmuckabee is such a pleasure, acute in it's analysis and full of zingers.

Personal Favorite: " The architects and administrators of the British Empire were imperialists? Perish the thought. " George F. Will – Mike Huckabee, Newt Gingrich and the spotlight-chasing candidates of 2012



Bad News: Republican Horndog won't seek re-election.

Good news: he opens the way for Republican psychotic. Angle adviser teases Senate bid – Ben Smith



Shirley Huntley opposed same sex marriage because it offended her deeply held sense of morality. Now it turns out some of the commandments are more important to her than others. 'Non'profiteers



Harry Wilson anti-union? Someone obviously disagrees. Harry Wilson Tapped By Teamsters To Rescue Ailing Trucking Company And Union Jobs



Wow, a record collection more impressive than Gatemouth's. The guy used to own Zig Zag on Avenue U. Arnie Goodman Record Collection – ArnieG's Photos