A few thoughts on this Sunday

Poor Mayor Mike

The mayor is going through major third term blues. Can you say Cathie Black. Now Black is only making matters worse as she didn’t just go away quietly. On the way out as School Chancellor, Black, after just 96 days on the job, raised the sexism card.

Bloomberg’s problem is he needs the people around from his first term that not only kept him on agenda, and on message, but they did a pretty good job of running the city. Deputy mayors from Indianapolis are not going to solve the dilemma, in fact that was the number one problem with the huge snow storm disaster.

Meanwhile it's one thing to be the number two guy for years, but now Deputy Mayor Dennis Walcott who is universally liked, goes directly into the frying pan as Chancellor.

Rev. Al Sharpton

Four days later, it is still amazing what the Rev. Al Sharpton pulled off. POTUS at his annual National Action Network event. Mr. Obama and Sharpton are tighter than even what the public knows, and Sharpton has emerged as the President of Black America.

As for all the talk about an alleged shut down of the federal government, (Where the president had to rush back to Washington for a meeting) It was a lot of media hype and my guess, it never was really going to happen. Surprise, Washington leaders extended the budget process another week. The President says the shutdown was averted with painful cuts. So the panicking America reset button has been touched, and here we go again.

Council members really making a difference
Hats off to Council members Leroy Comrie and Julissa Ferreras.

We can laugh all we want, but Comrie is trying to save lives with his proposed city ban on toys that come with fat-loaded kid meals. It’s all an effort to reduce fat, salt and sugar consumption among New Yorkers. Comrie describes himself as an abuser of fast food, and says children are enticed to eat unhealthy meals with the promise of a toy. Consider this. McDonald’s offers a Happy Meal that tops 700 calories with a cheeseburger, fries and chocolate milk. Do we still think it’s funny?

Comrie wants to limit toy giveaways to fast-food meals under 500 calories and under 640 milligrams of sodium.

As for Councilwoman Ferreras, she held a council hearing regarding stunning data from the Centers for Disease Control: 15% of female Hispanic teens attempted suicide in 2009, compared with 10% of all city high school girls. The rates are even higher in Brooklyn where one in five girls – 21% – attempted suicide at least once in 2009. Culture shock and stress are often to blame.

Dominic on the radio this upcoming week

I hope you will join me tomorrow morning (Monday) as I discuss state politics with Fred Dicker on his Albany radio show. 10:30 AM. TALK 1300 AM.
You can listen on the internet at: http://v3.player.abacast.com/player/player.php?pid=talk1300

Also, Saturday bright and early, I will be in studio co-hosting with Curtis Sliwa on AM 970 The Apple at 8:00.

Just a few thoughts on this Sunday.