The Gateway (Salute to John Gish Edition)

Buried within this article is news that one of the Democratic Assembly candidates (the Mayor of Maywood) in New Jersey Legislative District 38 is openly gay (And no, Asbury Park is nowhere near the district).

Back in my High School days in that district, a teacher named John Gish, who was not technically out, was fired by the Paramus School Board for the heinous act of heading a political group which merely advocated for Gay Civil Rights.

Currently represented by Democrats, The 38th is a swing district (perhaps not the best choice of words) district, but win or lose, a blow (perhaps not the best choice of words) has been struck. Paramus seems to have come (perhaps not the best choice of words) a long way.

Somewhere, if he is still with us, John Gish is smiling. Olympian Carl Lewis Seeks New Jersey Senate Seat



To its credit, the Post names names (though not enough of them–someone should compile the entire list of all the bills, with all the sponsors and co-sponsors) on legislation sweetening pensions to the point of diabetic shock.

Some of the worst offenders are Republicans, which is surprising only if you haven't been paying attention to the last 50 years of NYS politics.

As I used to joke, tell a Senate Republican “1199,” and he’ll respond by bidding 1200. Clueless pols call for benefit boosts



Another reminder of why Chuck Barron is a jerk (I used all my self-restraint and did not say turd). Robert Mugabe: Peter Godwin's The Fear tries to explain how he has remained in power so long.




And if the pizza was good, would you give him your money? Pro pans Hiram's pizza pie



Frum urges Romney to lead with his glass jaw; he may be right, after all, in the current GOP climate what other choice does Romney have? He can run, but he can’t hide from his record. Romney Can’t Keep Running From Romneycare | FrumForum



Liberal Centrist Chait urges a clear line in the sand on a “Clean” Debt Ceiling bill; while I've been harsh upon liberals unwilling to accept that elections have consequences, I'm inclined to support bluff-calling in this instance–in the end, it is hard to believe that Boehner will knife his wealth white masters in the back. I Want To Play Poker Against President Obama | The New Republic



The smartest man in America games out the Debt Ceiling. Most interesting point; McConnell doesn't want to filibuster it, because with no filibuster, it can pass with 51 Dem votes, and then they own it. Filibuster, and the bill will need at least seven Senate Republicans to support it. Risks to Boehner in Debt-Ceiling Brinkmanship



When he's on form, no one is better than Kinsley at puncturing a big gassed up Granfalloon. Here, Kinsley is on form, and the well deserved target is Ryan.

Caveat: Kinsley is actually far too soft on Ryan's punt on farm programs.Opinion: Paul Ryan's slasher novel – Michael Kinsley



Query: where is the evidence that the North won? 


“Good and bad, I defined those terms
Quite clear, no doubt, somehow
Ah, but I was so much older then, I'm younger than that now.” Bob Dylan’s Disappointing, Hypocritical China Concert | The New Republic