The Europeanization of America

The trajectory of Europe puts it on a path to surpass both the United States and China as an economic superpower contrary to chest beaters in both those countries.  What can be done to put America back on its own upward course through history into the future?


Well New York City Mayor Michael Bloomberg has unknowingly touched on the answer to this question.  You see he is a frequent traveler to Europe and cherry picks ideas there to bring back to New York.  Unfortunately though, he does not see the forest for the tree.  The forest is grandeur while the tree is just a parking meter.


We should point out that there are people in New York who only travel between that city and Europe and nowhere else leading one to speculate that some sort of Europeanization has already begun in this country.  The point I am making is that we cannot overcome Europe given are present condition.  We must therefore Europeanize America.  Some will be taken aback by this but as Jeremy Rifkin has pointed out Europe has as strong an economy as the U.S. and an excellent healthcare system as well as more leisure time and productivity.  Why shouldn’t America be this way?  Well New York at least is beginning to Europeanize leading the rest of the country in the process.


In order to become more like Europe social well being must be carried out for the greater whole taking precedent over greed for the sake of the individual.  America must realize, as Hillary Clinton has stated, that it takes a village to raise a child.  It also takes a village to raise a nation as well.


While we slept under the blanket of our war machine Europe expanded its infrastructure of rail lines, Airbus planes and highways as well as its education and scientific research allocation.  Speaking of research, we must be reminded that our exploration of the origins of the universe came to end when our super collider project was cancelled in the 1980s while Europe built its own collider marking a turning point in the world of science where the mantle was passed from us to Europe.  We put bean counting ahead of vision.  We thought accounting economics was the key to business success rather than visionary inspiration.


It should also be pointed out that Europe has big government that works while we have shrinking government that fails more and more as its size diminishes under this theory of accounting economics.


I can go on and on forever but you get the point.  We must Europeanize America and to do that we must take what is theirs and make it our own as well, something Mayor Bloomberg has been doing in New York to some degree.
