Out of the Mouth of the Rat’s Ass

Today, State Senator Marty Golden, the Bay Ridge bloviator, demonstrated both his own heartlessness, and his lack of concern for the US Constitution, by introducing a bill which would have New York State stop extending full faith and credit to fully legal out of state marriages involving couples of the same sex.

A measure of the proposal’s true callousness is the fact that the bill would not only be prospective, but retroactive, voiding marriages which the state already recognizes.

He calls this thing "The Defense of Marriage Act," which, given its impact is a named worthy of Orwell.

Surprisingly, there’s one social conservative who feels that introducing bills of this nature is both out of touch and offensive.

Here’s a sample of what he’s had to say on the matter:

“It’s a social issue. It really has nothing to do with the bread-and-butter issues of the State of New York. People don’t give a rat’s ass about social issues. People are worried about paying their mortgage, paying their rent.”

And here he is again:

“Our state is in economic free-fall and there are many issues facing our citizens. Families are worried about putting bread on their table, and [he] decides now is the time to trot out [this] proposal.”

Who is this social conservative who feels introducing Domestic Relations legislation of this nature is such a repugnant waste of the legislature’s precious time?

Both statements came from the mouth of State Senator Marty Golden.

If being “straight” was defined as speaking honestly, consistently and forthrightly, Marty Golden would be the queerest member (perhaps not the best choice of words) of the New York State Senate, despite some stiff (perhaps not the best choice of words) competition.