The Gateway (Ho-Ho-Hochul Edition)

Gatemouth endorses Hochul!

What else did you expect?

Thank you Jack Davis for finally serving a useful purpose.



Although Jack Davis may be a less credible source than my Schnauzer, Cerberus, this story has the ring of truth.

Imagine, the Green Party is now doing openly what they usually only do indirectly. Twitter / Azi Paybarah: Jack Davis campaign manage …



The Independence Party helps the cause of same sex marriage by endorsing a “No” voting legislator for a different job. Indy Line Goes To Gay Marriage ‘No’ Voter



This would be a great idea if it included a run-off. As presently written this creates situation where multiple candidates from a party (read "the Democrats," for it will almost always be just us) will divide their votes allowing an unrepresentative candidate to win. This may be OK in a City election, but in places like the NY Senate it is an invitation to nefarious deeds by nefarious people (read "Republicans")

No wonder it's sponsored by Bloomie's favorite State Senate Democrat Capitol Confidential » Making special elections less special



Sad News Department: Democratic critic of Silver seeks to leave the legislature.

Silver will probably send an army to help him win whatever local office bunches his panties. ‘Lonely’ Silver Critic Wants To Leave Legislature (Updatedx2)



How do you drive "Reformers" crazy? Keep printing stories about "Tenant Hero" Vito Lopez. The Brooklyn Politics Blog



I hate to compare people with Nazis, but when you call people out as “queer” because they support shelters for homeless youth, you are only a few steps from calling for incineration.

Craig Eaton and Senator Golden, you must disavow these sick goose-stepping motherfuckers now!!!! City Councilman Lew Fidler Continues To Put Extreme Progressive Interests Over Communities. | The Ji


Fort Greene getting whiter; this is news? The Brooklyn Politics Blog



Following the example of Fox, MSNBC hires a douchebag to be the voice of the opposition MSNBC Hires Michael Steele | PolitickerNY



Chait gets it close to right, though I would add, in the tradable turf within the Green Line, those Arab villages on the border which may desire to leave. Netanyahu's Distortion | The New Republic



Glenn Greenwald once called Goldberg, who served in the IDF, Netanyahu's faithful stenographer.

Now Goldberg, one of Israel's most effective defenders (precisely because, as a liberal, he has credibility where Israel needs it the most) gets attacked by a lot of ignorant boobs trying to disprove the nefarious stereotype that Jews are smart.

Goldberg:  President Obama gave a very good speech to AIPAC: Tough on Hamas, tough on Iran, but also somewhat tough on Israeli procrastination. He understands Israel's dilemma in the same way Ariel Sharon, Ehud Olmert, Ehud Barak, Shimon Peres and Yitzhak Rabin understood their country's dilemma. Israel needs to find a way to maintain its democratic nature and its Jewish majority. Only compromise on the West Bank — yes, a return to 1967 borders, with some obvious adjustments…will help Israel maintain itself as a Jewish democracy, and will protect it from becoming an international pariah. And by the way, Israel's biggest and most effective defender on the international stage in the coming months will be… Barack Obama. He made that crystal-clear. He opposes the unilateral bid for Palestinian independence in a very forthright way.”  A Cornucopia of Hate Mail, Obama (and Goldblog) Edition – Jeffrey Goldberg – International – The Atl