The Gateway [Memorializing (My Facebook Posts) Edition] [Late Breaking Items Added Upfront]

Yes, yes, I'll concede them Mordecai Richler, Leonard Cohen, Joni Mitchell & Neil Young, but the Canadians really have to learn to stop imitating Americans a day late and an inch short. Progressive Conservative candidate George Lepp tweets picture of his penis

In other Phallacious News, the right is now criticizing Weiner for not taking his being hacked seriously enough. » Gennette Nicole on Pic Tweeted from Rep. Weiner’s Account – Big Government

And they may be right (far right), because no matter how hard (perhaps not the best choice of words) I try to take this story seriously, all I can do is make more pee pee jokes.



I posted this Wieseltier piece the other way, but most of it was behind a paywall; here’s the whole thing.

The Money Quote is from Chaim Weizmann in 1937:

The choice lies between a Jewish minority in the whole of Palestine or a compact Jewish State in a part.” United Jerusalem – – Israel-News Today — 5/20/2011



I don't generally agree with the Zionist right's complaint that the Times is biased against Israel in its coverage, but sometimes you gotta wonder. A Strange Sentence in the Times – Jeffrey Goldberg – International – The Atlantic



Walesa has shaken hands with Gatemouth (and listened to him speak), but refuses to meet with Obama.

Along with Mandela, Walesa is the great revolutionary of our time, but his actions here seems kinda rude and kinda stupid.

Which reminds me how you can tell a union electrician in Poland.

It only takes one of them to change a light bulb. Lech Walesa snubs Obama, fellow Nobel winner



With all due respect Mr. President, I'm not sure Poland, the #1 pork-eating country in the world is much of a role model for the Arab world– though their record during the Holocaust (and afterward) might help overcome that. Obama Hails Poland as Model for Arab Nations in Upheaval



As far as I can tell the message here from the Log Cabin Republicans is "he's done more for us than anyone ever, but it' still not enough, so might as well join the Westboro Baptist Church".

But, let's not discount the economic incentive.

Some rich gay voters will undoubtedly be motivated in their choices by the big bulge in their pants.

Their wallets

Still, even though some Jews probably thought Hitler better than Hindenburg on fiscal issues, I think they probably placed their self interest first

Actually, that’s too rude, and I apologize.

The proper comparison would blacks voting for Strom Thurmond in 48, even if they thought him agreed with him about farmer to market roads. Log Cabin Republicans: Our mission is to oust Obama | The Raw Story



Eric Cantor: With charity towards none and malice towards all. Eric Cantor On 'Face The Nation': Disaster Relief For Joplin Tornado Victims Must Be Offset (VIDEO)



Chait excoriates the MSM coverage of the tax issue.

Money quote:

"An additional problem is that these tales of woe seem to ignore, or actively fail to understand, the fact that a higher tax bracket affects only the portion of income above the threshold level. Even if we ignored the distinction between total income and taxable income and conclude that families earning $262,000 were paying higher rates, they'd be looking only at a slightly higher rate on that last $12,000. That's like less than a dollar per day in higher federal income taxes.

But large numbers of Americans, including many economics reporters, seem to think that when you enter a higher tax bracket, your entire income is taxed at a higher rate. In 2009, ABC News published a story about people desperately trying to get their income under $250,000 in order to avoid the coming Obama tax hike (which, in any case, was not then due to take effect until 2011). "We are going to try to figure out how to make our income $249,999.00," one lawyer told the reporter. A dentist earning $320,000 pondered laying off staff and cutting hours to shave $70,000 off her income. The story presented their actions as a sensible tax-avoidance strategy." wnij: : New Republic: The Tragic Plight Of The Sort Of Rich (2011-05-18)



Brilliant article combining two of my recurring themes:

1) Pro-lifers are now trying to bleed Roe to death by a series of small cuts, leaving the right to chose a corpse in everything but name, an empty shell with nothing left but the box it came in.

2) In the current legal atmosphere, one best uses the Thurgood method of picking your cases carefully. The Reincarnation of Pro-life



Hinckley is one of my favorite critics, but he's wrong.

The original version of "The Revolution Will Not Be Televised” was recorded in 1969, and appears on the album "Small Talk at 125th and Lenox." The version mentioned here by Hinckley is a (more popular) remake.

And, though I don’t want to keep on kicking a dead man (especially one as significant as Scott-Heron), as "The Subject Was Faggots" (from the same Album) shows, Scott-Heron did not so much discuss homophobia as engage in it (proving he influenced rappers in a variety of ways). Gil Scott-Heron, musical pioneer dubbed the Godfather of Rap, dies in New York at age 62



Unlike some Room 8 bloggers, I do admit and correct my mistakes, and this one is a beaut.

Had to rewrite the last third or so of my Wiesenfeld/Strelzin piece to get the facts straight, because I adjusted my memory to fit my fact checking, and my memory had been correct.

The important thing to note is the piece's target still said what he said, and, if anything, the actual facts make him look even worse. Harvey Wallbanger (Major Correction Added) | Room Eight