The Gateway (The Eyes of Texas Can’t Afford Glasses Edition)

The NYS State GOP chose Rick Perry as its speaker because "At a time when New York ranks at or near the bottom among states in every important metric, Texas is leading the way.

By this they obviously mean percentage of population without health insurance (#1), sub-prime mortgages (#1) and toxic emissions (#1).

But there's still room for improvement.

They're only sixth in poverty. Gov. Perry Replaces Trump At NY GOP Dinner




Non-story of the day: NY State Senate GOP panders to unions. The line never gets old: say 1199 to them and they'll bid 1200. Even New York State Senate Republicans Can't Resist Pension Sweeteners For Government Employees



Typical mommy state big government liberals trying to dictate to small businesses politically correct behavior for their own good.

Ooops; this time it's the work of conservative Republicans, Dan "Don't Fire Til You See The Slants of Their Eyes" Halloran and Peter "Gunga Din" Koo. Queens politicians push bill to force store owners to include English translations for store signs



Finally a political story an eight year old can understand.

Dybbuk: The guy we met who wants to be Mayor–his name is Weiner, and someone hacked into his computer, that happened to my friend Anthony, not Anthony Weiner, and sent out a picture of a weiner, not a hot dog, a penis. I hate that



Weiner's fratboy style made him an ideal target for such a prank (if that is what is was), but also made him the ideal one to fight such an onslaught. For Rep. Anthony Weiner, Twitter Has Double Edge



A poll on Weiner's attributes.

Luckily there's a large enough percentage of the population with actual knowledge for the sample to be statistically accurate. #Weinergate Poll: Does photo show Congressman Weiner?



Politicians getting hacked almost sounds redundant



A woman who's shared with us how her profession of love has inspired men to erections (perhaps because the guy knew he was about to get some) tells us how she mourns the death of privacy. Sex and Surveillance by Naomi Wolf – Project Syndicate



We can all dream can't we? Running Against Paul Ryan | The New Republic



John Lennon was right: God is a concept by which we measure our pain. Michele Bachmann: I Felt "Calling" To Run In 2012


Lying Sack of Shit Award; should we retire the trophy now? Zombie Lie Laboratory Creates 62 Percent Tax Rate Plan : CJR



Domestic Partner: I would not vote for a Yellow Dog just because they were a Democrat, but I'd consider supporting a Schnauzer even if, G-d forbid, they were a Republican.


Hey McCloud, get offa my Jew. The Scottish Book Boycott, Ctd. – Jeffrey Goldberg – International – The Atlantic



As readers already know, in 2008, when Hiram Monserrate was arrested, it took Marty Golden THREE DAYS to introduce a resolution asking him not to file his oath of office. 82 DAYS AGO (or 83, if I don‘t get this up by midnight), Carl Kruger, who helped to elect Golden, was arrested.

Golden has yet to say a word.


If Marty Golden does not soon introduce a resolution concerning Carl Kruger, he will have revealed himself as a bloviating, hypocritical bag of wind.

Meanwhile “The Jig Is Up Atlas” the Hate Site Run by Golden’s Bobbysoxers today ran a piece complaining that some Brooklyn Democrat took money from those who were from out of State, close to people under indictment or were lobbyists (they also called the Democrat an anti-gay slur)

For the record, ten seconds inspecting Marty Golden’s contributions revealed, but was not limited to these gems:

NY, NY 10024 3,000.00 18-DEC-10

ALBANY, NY 12211 2,500.00 21-DEC-10

ST. LOUIS, MO 63118 500.00 05-DEC-09

Prompting these questions:

1) Marty, when are you going to publicly disavowing these sickfucks?

2) Jiggers, don’t you know that people who live in glass houses should poop in the basement?