Let me get this correct: so far it hasn’t been proven that Congressman Anthony Weiner has committed adultery; or patronized prostitutes; or stolen money; or avoided paying taxes; or assaulted anyone;  or corrupted the morals of a minor; or taken any bribes; or perjured himself in a legal matter;  or abused his powers of office;  or was censured by the House of Representatives;  indicted or convicted; yet he is being pressured to resign; when others who have done  some of what I just outlined are still in office.  I will say this again: until it is shown that Weiner has broken some law(s), we need to let him face his constituents next election -if he so chooses- relative to the current imbroglio. 

Only Weiner and his God could tell if his behavior amounts to law-breaking. They know if there is still an avalanche of “stuff” out there waiting to be unleashed, or continuing to trickle-in like a dripping faucet. If he knows that an investigation by the ethics committee will reveal sordid stuff that’s even worse than what we have already been exposed to, then I trust he will do the right thing by resigning.

However; if this is it: if what we have been seeing so far (nude photos, sex-chatter, and such) is the sum total of this sordid ordeal; then Weiner should stand firm on his decision to seek therapy while holding on to his seat.     

I have been told that the present speaker of the HOR (Boehner-R) has admitted to being a serial adulterer; just like Newt Gingrich who was a previous republican HOR-speaker.  Senator David Vitter (R) has admitted to patronizing prostitutes. Others have admitted to all types of sexual bad behavior, and yet there is no clamor for their being punished, or calls for their immediate resignation.  Weiner’s actions amount to being nothing but sexual peccadilloes; but as it relates to sex matters in this country we tend (as a people in general) to act immaturely. We also tend to be hypocrites.

To me, texting photos of your private parts, “sexting”, voyeurism and such, amounts to asininity and childishness. Personally, I know I will never do it; but it isn’t illegal once the parties involved are adults and consensually playing the same kinkyish- game(s). 

If any objective person researched what democrat Barney Frank did as a congressman (relative to his sexual behavior while in office), then one would have concerns as to why he is still a member of the HOR. And yet, as a congressman, Barney Frank is a very effective, high-ranking, powerful, knowledgeable and hard-working. He is also a strong public voice for democrats; thus the notion that Weiner has been rendered ineffective as a public spokesperson for his political party is absurd: it’s only temporary.

Bill Clinton was impeached, and yet today he is also a strong voice for the party.  His sexual- behavior(s) as president can be viewed as having been deplorable: and it outstrips Weiner’s by far.  Why can’t Anthony Weiner eventually re-emerge as the same articulate speaker he is now for the policy-ideas of Dems? Clinton and Frank did.  Today, Newt Gingrich is still a very effective public speaker for republican ideas; so too Tom DeLay; check out some of the stuff these two have done.  

It is rather unfair of electeds in both major parties, to be calling for Weiner’s resignation when they didn’t put the same kind of pressure on others who had done much worse.  It is also hypocritical for those democrats who defended Clinton to the hilt, to now seek reclaim of the moral high ground surrendered during Clinton’s impeachment process.  The duplicity here is mind-boggling.

To those in the media now calling for Weiner’s head, I strongly suggest that you take a look at what your positions were, when Frank, Clinton, Kennedy, Gingrich, Rangel, Rostenkowski, Ensign, Vitter, Craig, Hart, DeLay, Kevin Parker (convicted), Spitzer and Agnew -just to name a few- were facing stuff far worse than what Weiner is facing now.  I sure don’t remember this kind of outcry and convenient moral indignation.

Stay tuned-in folks.

