The Gateway (Shelsky’s Smoked Fish Edition)

Domestic Partner says the "Brooklyn Native" sandwich at Shelsky's is better than sex (and she's had the best).

Mention Bococa Parents and Get 10% off. Pardon Me For Asking: Shelsky's Smoked Fish Now Open On Smith Street



I've done this story before myself, but my version has jokes. Obama may be losing the faith of Jewish Democrats – Ben Smith



I pointed out the absurd and contradictory nature of Rudy’s position vis-à-vis his friends two years ago. Rudy breaks vows



Jersey News:

Let's face facts. Same Sex Marriage passing both houses might well happen, but the chances of it doing so by veto proof margins are as thin as the Governor is fat.

So, it won't happen before January 2014, barring a fatal heart attack heart attack or stroke.

In other words, the odds are little better than 50/50. Gov. Chris Christie, Champion of Inequality



Third Douchebag from Bay Ridge graciously offers to represent a district nowhere near the Ridge, and even more graciously promises to move into the district if he wins. Ridgeite enters race for Weiner’s old seat



But is it news? Council grants $600G in earmarks to group caught in Vito Lopez federal corruption investigation



I don't understand, could there be anything Petty-er than Michele Bachmann. Tom Petty takes on Bachmann over American Girl



Reason #14 is Brooklyn Bridge Park. Let's all thank Marty Connor Connor, the man without whom it would not exist. 100 Reasons Why Brooklyn Lives Up To The Hype: Gothamist



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