The Conservative Blight

My mother in law likes to ask if tax cuts to the rich creates jobs because the rich are the “job creators” than where are all the jobs.  The answer is there are none because the claim is just more crank science from conservatives based on made up factoids that are completely fictional in nature.


For 700 years up to around 1492 the Arab world experienced an era of unheralded scientific achievement even managing to lead the West out of the Dark Ages.  What happened to this era?  Well the decline of the Arab world has been attributed to the rise of conservatives and continues to this day 600 years later.


Those with an eye toward history can see similar seeds planted here in the U.S. with the rise of conservatives who claim not to hold with the tenants of science while being empowered to vote.  And vote they do shouting down the science of evolution and climate change even believing that the Earth is just 5,000 years old and that scientists are sneaking around everywhere planting dinosaur bones.


The point of decline can be traced here to the decision by the conservative Reagan Administration to shut down the super collider project in the 1980s.  Oh sure our science continues to advance but the spectacular upward trajectory began to slow.


Now our futures are in the hands of the conservative Texas school board which no longer teaches Jeffersonian ideals replacing him instead with a religious figure in all their textbooks which end up being used in other states as well.


Oh they claim to be of the tea party but they do not stand with our enlightened and scientifically oriented founders.  No they put forth their phony claims like carnival barkers and convince the weak of mind of their pseudo science and make believe economics.  Yes in the end one must ask where are the jobs, where are the facts, where is the science and where will we decline to.