The Gateway (WNYC Channels Gatey Edition)

Query: Did Stringer ever criticize member items when he was in the Assembly? If so, did he ever refuse them? Manhattan Borough Chief Says Council Earmarks Should Stop



Quinn Does Fundraiser for Reyna:

Someone's making more a deal about this than merited. Seems to me that leaders put their names on members' fundraisers, if asked –unless the member is in revolt against the leader

Given Reyna's loyalty to Quinn –she was the only Brooklyn member who did not back Eric Dilan for City Clerk–it would reflect very poorly on Quinn with loyal members if she did not stand up for Reyna, who stood up for her. Christine Quinn to Fundraise for Vito Lopez Foe | PolitickerNY



Great Minds Department:

WNYC: 'The Dilan family has what has been described as a “growing mini-empire in central Brooklyn.” Councilmember Dilan is the male district leader there, and the female district leader in the area is Dilan’s wife, Jannitza Luna Dilan, who herself was considered a contender for the seat…Councilmember Dilan’s father is State Sen. Martin Malave Dilan. Of the 71-member Assembly county committee seats in the district, many have the last name Dilan, and the majority of the rest are rumored to be neighbors and friends of the family."

Gate (5/14/11): "The Democratic nomination for the Assembly would be determined by a Committee consisting of State Senate Martin Malave Dilan, Councilman Erik Dilan, and Female District Leader Jannitza Luna Dilan, with Vito Lopez participating as a non-voting uncle…Their choice will then be ratified by the District’s Democratic County Committee, which allegedly includes some non-relatives, but not nearly enough to make it a contest. "

Not to mention the stuff from Deidra Towns’ Google Profile, which found it’s first publication courtesy of yours truly. It's A Free Country ® – Jesus Gonzalez vs the Machine: Can a Special Election Vault Young Dem Past P



While Bob Turner refuses to admit to a position on the Ryan budget or CCB, selling out his most deeply help right-libertarian principles for a date with Ed Koch, Weprin calls for "increases in Social Security."

Yes, he may really believe this, but this is still a pander of such monumental proportions that those who think Weprin lacks the nerve to grasp victory should hang their heads in shame. Weprin Blasts Obama's Stance On Israel



I'd be lying if I said I had very warm memories of the late Sheila Nelson, but the comments here by "The Jig Is Up Atlas" constitute a new low, even for them.

Since "Jig" Messiah Marty Golden was a warm personal friend of Sheila's (and is a warm personal friend of Mike's) is it possible Golden will finally muster up the decency to tell this Internet Equivalent of smegma that they've gone too far?

Not fuckin’ likely. Vincent Gentile And The City Council's Debt Problems. | The Jig Is Up Atlas



Dov Hikind would earn a year's free pass from Gatemouth criticism if he said "I too am opposed to same sex marriage, but Rabbi Yehuda Levin is seriously fucked in the head" Right-Wing Rabbi Blames Same-Sex Marriage for Boro Park Boy’s Murder | PolitickerNY



Tony Avella, who once had an unbecoming public hissy fit about a judge who disregarded his inappropriate ex parte communication, should perhaps be more careful about using the word “obnoxious.” State Sen. Tony Avella Writes Angry Letter To Mayor Bloomberg Over 'Obnoxious Remarks'



Savino cites Christie's support for weed.

Of course, Christie's for it–he's looking for a reason to justify his munchies.



Why be nervous, some ask. With the support of every Democrat, it will take only 25 Republicans for the Gang of Six debt ceiling plan to pass the House.

Surely, Wall Street sill owns 25 House Republicans.

But, has any thought about the Democrats?

Does anyone see Dennis Kucinich voting for the Gang of Six proposal? Does anyone believe he's the only one? Does anyone remember what happened to the Bush Bailout first time out? Gang Of Six Has Last Gasp | The New Republic



Those on the left expressing a preference for Bill Clinton as a superior liberal should perhaps remember who signed DOMA in the first place. President Obama supports bill that repeals Defense of Marriage Act



Defining anti-Semitism down. The Hate That Dares Not Speak Its Name | Via Meadia



Unfriended by Hackshaw; whodda thunk?