A recent column posed this question: “Is Room Eight in trouble”? My answer is simple: OF COURSE.

Anyone with half a brain should be able to ascertain that “Room Eight New York Politics” is in trouble. The same observation can be made as it relates to the Daily Gotham blog. In both instances, the main problem isn’t what it seems. The main problems have very little to do with the” flare-ups” in the comments-section (of which I have been a part/and partly responsible). The real trouble stems from the fact that both of these political blogs have failed to attract new writers and more readers.
These blogs have failed to recruit people committed to mainly analyzing the NY political scene. People dedicated enough to spend some of their spare time helping to inform the voting public, of behind-the-scene things which are pertinent to their voting-choices and overall political-education.  People committed to go where mainstream-media wouldn’t (or couldn’t) go; people active in local politics; people in the know in various local communities; people with lots of political history to divulge.

The fact that there isn’t fresh blood for the “Dracula” in most of those who comment on blogs, will eventually lead to both sites losing prestige, status and relevance.  It could eventually lead to their unfortunate demise. 

You see, people are easily bored. They need fresh perspectives to explore. They also need to be kept on their toes.  After a while, audiences get tired of the same writers; unless the writers are riveting and stimulating with their commentary.  Sometimes it takes writers coming from rather diverse places: perceptively, ethnically, racially, religiously, socially, culturally, economically, et al.
Very few political writers can hold a crowd beyond two years. On the blogs, the cycle seems even shorter. Blog-popularity comes and goes in waves. The hot blog today might just be the lukewarm blog tomorrow. Room Eight has done well over time; but there are so many things we could have done (and can still do) to make it much better. I have written about this before.  I won’t belabor that point anymore; especially now that I am going to be assuming only “irregular-writer” status come September.

So much (for now) for one of the big blog problems. Furthermore, in a competitive media market, where there are many options for reading, viewing, listening, and being informed, there is a mad scramble for audience fealty. Blogs aren’t high on the options-chart. 

Room Eight has another big problem. One that is rather strange. Howard “Gatemouth” Graubard has helped to create a climate whereby many of those who make comments here, believe they have a right to set up columns for their target practice of lies, hate, malice, exaggerations, needless and unnecessary criticisms, mischief, distortions and the like. He set the tone. He started it all. He continues to do maintenance with his columns, threads, and comment-section-columns and threads.
He takes snippets of columns and/or threads and draws conclusions through manipulation and distortion, which he in turn projects as truth. This gospel according to Gatemouth then must be complied with or hell breaks loose: after all he is the G-D of the NY blogs.  His constant attacks on fellow bloggers (especially me) over the years now make all columnists here fair game.

Of all the writers on this site, I am the one most affected by this malady. From time to time, other writers encounter this silly Room Eight-blog-phenomenon, but not to the extent that I have faced it.
A unique situation has developed relative to my columns: nearly every single piece I write -no matter what the topic- becomes a battleground. On one side you have the trolls, stalkers, player-haters, a few Draculas looking for new blood, status-quo defenders, lackeys of elected officials, a few meaningful adversaries (some who are philosophically/politically opposed), some entrenched fools, and others. On the other side you will find some of my supporters (mainly students) hoping to defend my honor. I used to join the fray from time to time, swinging punches with both fists. I really thought it was the right thing to do: I was wrong. Lately, I have stopped participating in this blood-sport; and yet my name is usually dragged in by some stray cat.

Recently, I deliberately started ignoring the columns of two other writers here -despite my respect for what they have done in the past- since I thought it was the best thing to do to alleviate the tension and friction. And yet, I kept getting calls to visit the columns and threads of mainly one of these two (Hack N Sack/consider the name for example), in order to see firsthand how this horrible situation is. Sadly enough, the situation wouldn’t abate: no matter if I am involved in the threads or not. Things have obviously deteriorated over the years. No doubt. And yet, it looks like the editors and Gatemouth can’t see this. Or, maybe they don’t understand this. 

In some instances I am ragged in the comment-sections of other writers here, even when the topic at hand had nothing to do with me. Just last week someone used my FULL name to post a comment on the POLITICKER blog. This comment had councilmember Lew Fidler e-mailing me for clarification and verification. Even the editor (Azi Payabarah) made a comment about the comment attributed to me.  It wasn’t the first time this happened: so one can see this has gone from the ridiculous to the sublime. 
Many years ago, when I first highlighted the potential of this problem, Gatemouth was the loudest voice in opposition to my suggestions. Initially, I requested that we screen the commenters or initiate some type of vetting process. Then I suggested that we register commenters or find some way to hold them accountable. I even thought that there could be some type of system whereby IP numbers can be identified if needed later on. Since I am no computer geek (far from it), I was in strange territory here.

The point was that all my attempts to get a community response to this “silly stuff” failed. There was little or no support for any of my suggestions. The community obviously saw this as “no big thing”.  As much as I foretold its potential to harm this site’s credibility and viability, folks generally saw it as harmless.  The main point of refutation was that Ben Smith suffered a fate 100 times worse (everyday) at Politico. In that regard, I am disappointed that more of my fellow-columnists here haven’t come to my aid and/or defense.

In Gatemouth’s last column one commenter (Wonkster) attributed that “ninety-seven per cent of the comments made”, were done by me. Fact is, I didn’t make a single comment on that thread. Over the years, I have been accused of all sorts of subterfuge and intrigue. It’s not funny. It was never funny.
I have tried to discourage Gatemouth from putting up the types of columns that spawn the “flacking”: but to no avail. I even wrote a lengthy column explaining why I am going to write irregularly from now on but it didn’t help. And my editors made the mistake of re-opening my comments section despite my protestations not to do it: since it isn’t useful anymore. The end-result was nothing short of disastrous. Eventually they had to close it again. This isn’t rocket-science folks.

One editor (Ben Smith) asked me to reconsider my decision(s) but how can I? I simply requested a statement from the editors concerning the situation and couldn’t even get that. There is nothing useful about my comments section anymore. A blind man can see what goes on in there has no socially- redeeming value.

When I first brought to Gatemouth’s attention, that his childish attacks on my columns aren’t healthy, his response went along these lines: “thou protest too much”.  And yet, for over six years now, he has hit at near anything I write (column or thread-entry) with an obsessive frequency bordering on insanity. He has lifted lengthy sections from my writings in order to try to make whatever fucking point(s) he is trying to make. He has stretched the truth, embellished, leaped far in terms of logic and shaded facts. He has outright lied at times, distorted meanings, made weird assumptions, misconstrued things to make it look certain ways, and in general demonstrated a mean-spiritedness that’s out of this world.

He is petty and vicious too. He will say things that cross the bounds of propriety without a conscience.  He will regurgitate stuff that he knows should be left alone. He carries grudges for as long as eternity and he refuses to listen to reasonable appeals. 

In Gatemouth’s head, I have slandered and libeled people. I have made umpteen erroneous entries. I misspell people’s names. I have killed the friggin cat (and the dog too/possibly).  I have made a zillion mistakes. I don’t know really half of what I write or say. I have done poor research. I get my facts wrong. I get my dates wrong. I get my districts wrong.  I have done sloppy writing and I have done everything but fingered Halle Berry.

Fine. Truth be told, his criticisms have slight groundings in fact. Yes; I have made a few mistakes. I probably will make a few more in the future: mistakes are natural to any columnist. But one shouldn’t look at a column with a bias, and conclude that I accused the Brooklyn DA of a crime; when as a lawyer one knows damn well that no such thing occurred: so you see the hyperbolic jackass I am dealing with. These types of outlandish charges have always been done in attempt to undermine my standing here. It was a strategy developed to discredit me on the blogs. It was always done to diminish my appeal and following; in a rivalry existing only in the mind of a deranged fool.
And yet, when I respond that there has never been one formal or legal complaint from any elected official (or non-official), after close to four hundred columns: with at least 20 thousand readers per month.  He acts like that doesn’t matter: he is still the G-D of this site and I violate (sayeth the scriptures according to Gatemouth).

There is no hard-fast rule that says a blog must have a comments-section; nowhere. It is a courtesy I think should be afforded to readers; but not when said readers become irresponsible in the way they handle the responses. Gatemouth G-D insists that any column I write must have a comments-section since he insists. My right to close any such section -on any of my own columns- is to be overruled by his papal bull issued from his high blog-land perch.  To him, the fact that commenters routinely call me a “buffoon” or worse is immaterial: it comes with the territory. I say no. I say I don’t have to put up with the disrespect; if he wants to do that -via his columns- that’s fine for him; but not for me.  Blogging is an extension of my lifelong political activism: in more than one region, and in more than half-dozen countries. 

Gatemouth is like the kid at camp who always wants to compare dick-size in the showers. The same kid who gets pissed-off when someone suggests that another kid has a larger dick. His infantile competition with me has really gone too far.  How many times do you have to tell someone that I you are not in competition with them? How many times do you have to explain that this concept of “Room Eight New York Politics” is a communal-effort?

He has his followers and so do I: no big thing. That’s cool. I don’t know (and really don’t care) as to who has more fans here. It is not very important or relevant. The fact that my columns -over the years- have generated more comments in their threads than his seems to stick in his craw; thus the longstanding attempts at discrediting me and minimizing my columns, with all sorts of snide comments. 

Anyone can click on to a photo of me and go straight into my archives. I have written about the “community-writers” concept, many times. I have made suggestions for writers getting together, and for other events. I have made recommendations for theme writing and more. I have made suggestions for improving this site but to no avail. I can only assume that those involved at every level are pretty satisfied with the product as presently constituted.  I can suggest today that we get into the colleges and give young writers a chance to put up some of their stuff here. That may be the way to go for new talent. There are so many other ideas in my head it aint funny. However, they will get nowhere if we continue like this. 

I remember appealing to Gatemouth that we are all on this team (writer’s colony) in hopes that he would stop the constant ragging and nit-picking: but to no avail.  How many times do I have to compliment him on his astute knowledge of New York’s political history?
Take my last two John Sampson columns. The first one I wrote, he pooh-poohed my thesis that John played a rather courageous role in pushing the same-sex marriage bill; given his district is heavily Afro-Caribbean-American. Gatemouth even went as far as suggesting he knew people in the Sampson camp who disagree with my assertion. WOW!!!

I got the story by speaking to four people in the Sampson camp. That’s how I was able to do the follow up story on his possible primary challenge(s).
In the second column I mentioned John’s former boss (attorney Mitch Alter). In passing I qualifiedly offered to write a funny Mitch Alter political story one day. Gatemouth responded with this:”come on Rock, you aren’t the only one with stories to tell about Mitch”.

Now; can anyone tell me what this meant? Did I ever claim to have an exclusive on Mitch Alter stories? What was that about? Was it necessary? Where did that come from?
It doesn’t end there. The gist of my remarks about Rev. Bernard challenging (or not) Senator Sampson was totally distorted. I know I am no election lawyer but geeze does everything I say have to come under a friggin Gatemouth-made-microscope: what the heck is that about?

Last year, when Ms. Mary Hobson (the former district leader of the 42nd AD) was being challenged in courts (petitions), I wrote a snippet about said action. Gatemouth followed with this: “if you knew the district as much as you claim (I have made no such claim BTW) you would know that Ms. Hobson’s petitions are always bad”. WTF? Where do these things come from?

Whenever I write about potential insurgent challenges which don’t materialize, he makes caustic remarks like I didn’t know what I was talking about. What he doesn’t know is that long before insurgents become candidates, many of them call me up for advice and free pointers.  Most often my advice is not to run. Most often they heed my advice (including a run against Helene Weinstein/who maybe one of his patrons).
I have been hired on campaigns of at least a half dozen elected officials. I have worked pro-bono on umpteen insurgent campaigns over the past thirty-seven years in NYC (some electeds too). I have won a few and lost a whole lot more: so friggin what?

Take my last of two Barron columns: Gatemouth starts by dissecting and comparing my personal political philosophy with his: for what? Why does he think that I am competing with him? Go see for yourself folks go see. This is a very sick man. I refuse to engage sick people.  James Davis tried; look what happened to him.
He would write stuff like this: ‘Rock said thus and such; I believe thus and such’. ‘Rock thinks such and such; I think thus and such’. ‘Rock says this, I say that’. Why this constant comparison to the things I write? Why is he grilling near every one of my columns like a friggin cheese sandwich?  

Gatemouth feels that he has some divine right to always step into my columns in order to make corrections. They must be accurate to the last decimal point. This has made it so much easier for trolls to step up their attacks on me: he has paved the way.

So what have I requested? Simple: close my comments section for the time being. I also asked my editors for a statement of support (sort of). In a full column, Gatemouth then attacks the editor Ben Smith when he temporarily closed my comments section; but as soon as Smith reopens it, the vultures paraded themselves like Halloween Night in the Village.

So let me repeat: come August 31st I will no longer be a regular writer here. I will close out with a bang. I have already cut down on my output. I have saved an explosive column for that date. I have been working on it for a year. I have promised some of my students that I will still write here; publishing one or two columns a month only. I will take any other columns I write into the blog-underground. I have been talking to another blog site about doing a weekly round-up column (their invitation).  I may just let that be published here since I have invested a lot in this place.

People have come up here and made claims about me that I never made. They say things that go from left-field to California: it isn’t funny. It never was. The intent was stated long ago. I was to be driven off the blogs by those who didn’t care for some of the columns I wrote, and some of those I critiqued. As I said before: I will leave on my terms.

Accrediting outlandish claims to my name is only meant to minimize and trivialize me as a columnist. Gatemouth’s attempts at justification (being that he is trying to correct the many errors and mistakes I make) are so disingenuous that I won’t even comment further; anyone can judge for themselves if they sincerely want to get to the bottom of all this.   

My supporters have said some incredibly positive things about me which I do appreciate; but I am not here for all this silly stuff. My detractors have said some rather ridiculous things which I don’t appreciate. When they use some of the stuff my supporters claim as words from my pen, then I really get annoyed.  You see, they do this to make me look like some braggadocios fool. No matter how many times I use ‘LOL’ or ‘LMAO’ (to show the levity, and inject some self-deprecation), it is deliberately ignored in order to underscore the larger objectives: denigration, humiliation, discredition and such

Look; I probably should have ignored some of the personal attacks in the past (like I have been doing lately), but then hindsight is twenty-twenty-vision. This is where we are now. This is the only way we can come to some resolution in hopes of not letting this site deteriorate further. If Gatemouth chooses to keep publishing those silly columns: FINE. That’s his choice. Consider the name he uses to publish his provocative stuff: “Hack N. Sack”. If I were really as scary as Mary Alice Miller implied I probably would have punched him out already (a la Kevin Parker). In his recent writings he says he wants me to engage him; but I won’t. I tried for more than six years. He can go fuck himself in a dark corner.

For now, if the editors want to re-open my comments-section, then I just have to do what I have to do. To those of you who take my columns seriously then I must apologize for all this. If you truly want to comment on something I write, then you do know how to get to me via Room Eight. Despite Gatemouth’s lies, there are vehicles for solid and legitimate comment (or protest). These vehicles have always been available from the first day Room Eight was introduced to the public. 

Stay tuned-in folks.