No Song For The Body Electric

I won’t stand in line for three hours to see an Alexander McQueen fashion exhibition but I will get in line to see Steve McQueen’s Mustang from the movie Bullitt.


I don’t need to organize a prayer rally for thousands of weak minded people who believe the Earth is 5,000 years old and that Gays are sinners to prove my faith.  I can reflect quietly at home keeping it all between me and a higher force.


I don’t need to hear Republicans say that America’s bogus downgrading by Standard and Poor’s was because their cuts did not go far enough to know that the political fix is on with Wall Street and that capitalism as we know it today is nothing more than stock brokers churning for commissions whether the market goes up or down and that America comes last in their eyes.


I don’t need to watch 24 hour cable news create its own news stories when I can watch the Yankees beat the Red Sox on a Friday night and take sole possession of first place.


I don’t need to listen to a president who talks tough after capitulating time and time again to know that another president will come into office one day and lead America.


I don’t need to shed a tear for the space shuttle when I know the American space program died with the last Apollo mission.  As astronaut Buzz Aldrin said, it took America ten years to reach the moon and then we spent the next forty doing nothing.


I know once America was the shining city on the hill but I now hear murmurs of those longing for other shores across the Atlantic and in South America.


May all those who brought us to this point in our history rot in hell for what you have done and may America stand tall once again.