A Tea Party Queen

My congresswoman Nan Hayworth is a former eye doctor who has anything but 20 20 vision.  She is a tea party buffoon who defeated an honest, hardworking, reasoned congressman, John Hall.


She believes that the president’s job plan is folly for the Hudson Valley that the best way to fix the economy is by giving more tax cuts to the rich, you know them they are the “job creators” the ones who haven’t created a job in ten years who have sent all our jobs overseas.


Tax cuts for the rich sounds familiar?  It is tea party doctrine whose results are unsubstantiated by facts.  But why should a party that no longer believes in science care about facts.  Why should a party that hates our government want to see government succeed in saving our economy?  It is my experience working in a Republican administration that those who don’t believe in government will do everything in their power to see government fail.


You think the poor response to Katrina was an accident.  The Bush Administration created the conditions that led to that failure because they did not believe in government.   As the songs goes, the tea party will wave the flag but point the cannon at you as they loot our national treasure filling their pockets with gold while questioning your patriotism and pushing crank economics that will force all of us into the poor house and that is the one thing that they believe in.