The Gateway (Gatemouth Meets Pottymouth Edition)

Roy Moskowitz: Thanks for speaking at SIDA. And surprisingly (Without any hint of irony) Michael was the more controversial speaker.

Gatemouth appeared last night with "Pottymouth" (a name bestowed upon Michael Bouldin by the audience) at the Staten Island Democratic Association, where he ended up being the straight man in more ways than one.

Despite the group's extremely robust brand of liberalism, Gate was the panelist who took the prize for likeability (how scary).

The audience also learned that Bouldin knows nothing about the Rock, and that Gatemouth doesn't understand Twitter, and like most men over 50, has trouble even finding a twit.  





GATEMOUTH (10/31/11): As I've said before, this is the time for someone to say "this is bigger than Zuccotti; this is a national movement of which Zuccotti is just one small piece. We have accomplished our goal of shifting the conversation and we will continue an unrelenting series of actions to accomplish real change. While we will continue to maintain a symbolic presence at Zuccotti, we need to maintain our strength for the real and hard battles ahead, so most of us will be heading home to keep up the fight in our own communities–and we will be organizing and voting, so watch out!"

I rarely agree with anything in Adbusters, but unlikely as it seems they saying the same thing I am, so I have to admit they are absolutely right.

Bloomberg handed OWS an endgame they didn't have. As Senator Aiken once said, it is time to declare victory.

And as they say at closing time, you don't have to go home, but you can't stay here.

Why not get on a bus to Albany and Occupy the Special session. NO MORE BUDGET CUTS WITHOUT AN EXTENSION OF THE MILLIONAIRES’ TAX! Adbusters Suggests Occupy Wall Street "Declare 'Victory'" and Head Home for Winter  





GATEMOUTH (11/15/11): Just as the Occupy Wall Street encampment at Zuccotti threatened to become a boring Quality of Life story nearly irrelevant to the movement it helped to spawn, the Mayor decides to prove Alinsky right: 

"The real action is the enemy’s reaction.

The enemy properly goaded and guided in his reaction will be your major strength.”

Harry Siegel channels Gate: "Once again, Bloomberg and Kelly have breathed new life into what had been a struggling political movement. First, their brief eviction helped split the occupiers from Zuccotti Park itself, which had become a sometimes shady, frequently overpacked and unpleasant place. The park that was supposed to be a model society — and had become the star around which other cities’ occupations rotated — had become a burden to many of the organizers. Even the culture jammers at Adbusters, credited with calling for a day of action, which in turn sparked the occupation, argued on Monday it was time to move on from the parks.

The one-two punch of the police eviction and court decision gave purpose back to a broader movement that has lately seemed adrift.

Prior to the police moving in, the mayor’s apparent strategy was to win a war of attrition, letting the Zuccottites sink under their own weight. That had seemed to be working, as the experiment in direct democracy and public commons got increasingly mired in dysfunction and absurdity. No more. The administration’s latest overresponse has added timely fuel to a flagging fire.

Without the creeps and freeloaders some in the press have gleefully depicted, this is a movement of politically engaged, mostly younger Americans who represented no danger to people or property. Against these political idealists and activists were aligned, on Tuesday morning, thousands of angry, aggressive officers. The police came off as raw power acting at the behest of moneyed interests — precisely the optics the occupation is trying to bait the police to play into."  



Yes, yes, I know, but in a way, it's a relief to see a Washington Heights Councilman get arrest for civil disobedience rather than uncivil avarice. Lawmakers Condemn Arrest of Councilman Ydanis Rodriguez at Occupy Wall Street | PolitickerNY  



Without commenting on the legalities, does anyone find it ironic that Paul Newell got arrested for "obstructing governmental administration," while Shelly Silver walks the streets a free man? Paul Newell: My Night In The #OWS Lock-Up | PolitickerNY  



Occupy the subways?

Wow, that's surely the way to get the working stiff on your side. After all, the subways are how the 1% always travels.

Although if you must block the Bergen Street Station, please send over the woman who was on the front page of Tuesday's Post. Bloomberg Officials Prep City For Massive Occupy Wall Street Protests Tomorrow | PolitickerNY  



In one magnificent breathe, Schmuck Barron insults the President, the GOP, Jews Gays and conservative Democrats:

"If they thought that 30 or 40 Democrats were going to vote their way, collectively, if certain things weren't on the table, maybe we could get more…It seems that Barack Obama gives more to the blue dog conservative Democrats than to the black Democrats…He takes the black community for granted, thinking that we have nowhere to go, it's either him or Mitt Romney, or some other fool who's making a mess of this Republican primary,…He knows we're stuck with him, so he has more of a tendency to take care of Wall Street, and take care of the Jewish community and Israel, and take care of the gay community, and take care of the conservative Democrats, who say they're not going to give him their vote for health care, or regulations, unless he gives them something. I hope to have some impact on that." Charles Barron has already decided where to announce his run for Congress | Capital New York  



Fidler may be "The Anti-Barron, trying to please as many groups with one speech as Schmuckles tries to piss off. I hear that his actual comment managing to please the Jewish community of Midwood while snarking the Mayor about OWS in one sentence was a work of near genius. The Brooklyn Politics Blog



Prominent NYS Republican revolts against Adam Smith style free enterprise Against Thanksgetting  



Answer to Goldberg's Question: HELL YES! Can You Support Israel Without Supporting Netanyahu?  



Person whose story will make a fine and significant obit proves his current irrelevance by doing something no one cares about.

Herman, we barely noticed you were gone, and now we barely notice you are back.  



She's been traveling on the One After 909. Lady McCartney MIA at MTA