The Gateway (Thankful Edition)

At dinner tonight, Dybbuk said he was thankful there was no Hebrew School today.  



"Obama gives the turkeys a Thanksgiving break."

Which is more than the turkeys are giving Obama.                                                               



Speaking of turkeys, Pam Geller makes an ass of herself—

But I repeat myself.

This time the cause is halal turkeys (are they being sold at the Pathmark in Lower Manhattan?).

Her remarks are so stupid that I'll respond to them with a quote from "Mother Jones":

"Now, assuming Geller's right about Butterball turkeys being halal, you might think that in a capitalist economy, halal turkeys are a sign of meat sellers responding to market demand for food prepared a certain way. You might even be tempted to observe that Muslim Americans marking a secular, American holiday celebrating pluralism and freedom from religious persecution might be a sign of the extent to which American Muslims have assimilated into American culture. What you didn't know was that when markets respond to the demands of Muslim consumers, freedom dies."

The only thing that could top this would be if the Butterball Turkeys sold in the USA weren't halal.

They aren't. Pamela Geller: Beware "Stealth Halal" Turkeys This Thanksgiving  



Goldberg responds to the disgraceful Times Op-Ed about Israel using "Pinkwashing" (the repulsive practice of acknowledging your indisputably complete and utter superiority over the rest of the region on one aspect of human rights).

I would ask the author of this delusional crap why, if things are so good for LGTB people in Gaza and the West Bank, why are thousands of homosexual Palestinians keep trying to get asylum in Tel Aviv? Israel's Gay Rights Record  



In what may be a first, Yvette Clarke has a clever insight. Brooklyn Rep. Yvette Clarke: Alabama Immigration Law Is “Just A Step Below Apartheid"  



Not for nuthin' but I think Norm Orenstein may be a bit jealous. Gingrich relies on fading Newt Inc. – Kenneth P. Vogel and Emily Schultheis and Abby Phillip