The Gateway (Slurping Up Santorum Edition)

Late last night.


Domestic Partner: Gate, wanna bet on the caucuses?


Gate: Not really, but if you're insisting, I'll go with Santorum.


DP: Never mind.


This afternoon, the smartest man in America agrees with the Gate household. Why I'd Bet on Santorum (and Against My Model)




The title says it all; media attention has been the death knell for every anti-Romney flavor of the week (they used to last a month) Santorum's New Problem: The Media Caring About Him




It's a neighborly day in this beautywood. Would you be my neighbor? Santorum’s Tressel Gambit




Santorum advises the President how to be black. Santorum: Obama Should Be Pro-Life Because He's Black




Santorum thinks states should be allowed to outlaw birth control.

Could they also make it mandatory? I'd favor that, if Pennsylvania would make it retroact
ive.  Santorum: States Should Have The Right To Outlaw Birth Control




Irony Patrol: I called same sex marriage “The Triumph of the Conservatives," specifically arguing that half-way measures like state recognized Domestic Partnership agreements were actually a more radical alternative.

Now we find the real threat to traditional marriage: opposite sex civil unions–which only exist as a by-product of the effort to create a non-marriage option for same sex couples.

Call it the unintended consequence of wimping out. Are states that experiment with opposite-sex civil unions offering a way to opt out of oppressive id




NYC leads the nation as Tony the Hot Dog and Junior Boyland win Talking Points Memo Golden Duke Awards. The Winners Of The 2011 Golden Duke Awards




I'm 1000% behind the Governor in his push for school accountability, with the proviso that "accountability" also applies to charter school. Cuomo To Take On School Accountability in SOS




"For her part, Assemblywoman Malliotakis could be facing a competitive reelection and having some bipartisan credentials certainly doesn’t hurt politically. Democrats have already lined up a challenger in the form of small business owner John Mancuso, and if the Assembly Democrats control their own lines in redistricting as they have in years past, they could theoretically endanger the freshman Assemblywoman’s electoral prospects even further.


 Regardless of Albany politics, the friendship between Ms. Savino and Miss Malliotakis doesn’t seem especially likely to slow down anytime soon. Even as recently as yesterday, the two posed together for a photo at a party in Democratic District Leader Kevin Peter Carroll’s apartment."


While I understand why an State Senator might have a relationship with an Assembly member from another party (even if I don’t necessarily agree), I wonder why a Party official with a fiduciary duty to beat Ms. Mallotakis in her re-election effort instead invites her to a Party in his apartment.


Maybe he’s trying to get lucky.


Lotsa luck on that Kevin, but not on your re-election.  Diane Savino and Nicole Malliotakis: Bipartisan BFFs




I happen to like Mercedes Narcisse, but if she's really eager to grab Fidler's seat on the Council, her time would be best spent trying to help to elect him to the State Senate. Mercedes Narcisse to launch campaign for Lew Fidler’s seat next Thursday