The Gateway (So Funny You Could Pish Edition)

I want to apologize to Micah Kellner, Vanessa Gibson and Marco Crespo for inadvertently leaving them off my initial list of NYC Assemblymembers who voted “No” on the redistricting bill.

The Score so Far: Three Assemblymembers to whom Gatemouth owed an apology, and about 50 Assemblymembers who owe an apology to New York City.


I joked with Joan Millman about her voting for the redistricting. She defended herself by noting that she voted against Tier Vi, but that only made things worse.


Bad Day for a Goo-Goo Defined: Losing the moral high ground to Ravi Batra. Batra Jumps On Dadey Slight


My favorite Ackerman moment (and there are so many) was when he asked the witnesses testifying in favor of mandatory drug testing to go into the bathroom with one of his staff and piss in a cup.  Rep. Gary Ackerman: It's Been A Great Run


Ed Koch will do anything to prove his Turner endorsement wasn't about what Saul Weprin did in 82. Twitter / Azi Paybarah: the race is on! Ed Koch en …


The Case for John Liu for Congress: We'd get a new Comptroller


This list of potential candidates for Ackerman's seat is incomplete.

Where are Liz Holtzman, Cody McCone and Reshma Saujani? Who's running for Gary Ackerman's congressional seat, other than Rory Lancman? | Capital New York


Reshma Saujani brags how she worked to get money out of politics.

Coming soon: Phil Spector bragging about all he's done for gun control. Reshma Saujani Departs Public Advocate’s Office, Touts Accomplishments | City and State


Chutzpah could be defined as spending a campaign pretending you’re a frum Jew (while spending Shabbus posting on Facebook) and then calling out your opponent as non-Orthodox (as if he ever pretended otherwise).

When I saw this anal excretion disguised as an ad for Storobin, my first response was to say "Holy Moses", but then I realized Storobin didn’t believe he existed.  

David Storobin—he's not a frum Jew, but he plays one on the campaign trail. Republican Ad Labels Lew Fidler A ‘Bacon and Eggs Kind of Jew’


An ad in an Orthodox paper says Fidler wants to teach same sex marriage to six year olds.

Nonsense; even in the Haredi world, six year olds aren't allowed to get married—only engaged.

I also hear Fidler is in favor of cross-gender dancing. FLATBUSH JEWISH JOURNAL | The Voice of the Flatbush Jewish Community


From Ada Smith to Shirley Huntley (with Allen Jennings as the usual alternative)–could things get any worse for this district?


Any better?

Not likely. Dem Primary In SD 10?


GOP puts Wendy Long and George Maragos in the ballot in addition to Bob Turner.

Of course, why would someone want to nominate a Congressman whose victory was a national earthquake and contributes to half a dozen different narratives the GOP is trying to sell, when one can instead choose the Comptroller of Nassau County or an Anne Coulter clone who helped found an Ivy League hatesheet. GOP Makes Nice, All Three Senate Candidates On The Primary Ballot


Joe Carvin, the sort of candidate who made Republicans nostalgic for Bruce "Rocky Raccoon" Blakeman, exits the stage before anyone notices his existence.

He should consider himself lucky. If he ran he would have placed second–in the Town of Rye. Joe Carvin Exits U.S. Senate Race


Carl Paladino hugs above his paygrade. Let Bygones Be Bygones


Santorum says if Puerto Ricans don't like speaking English, they should go back where they came from. Santorum pitches English in Puerto Rico