Now The Conservatives Are Killing Our Teenagers

The killing of this teenager in Florida is really affecting me perhaps because I see so much of myself as a teen in his last moments.  Remember being a teenager on a spring like day just walking in the rain smelling the sweet air celebrating life a life and future that stood before you like a shining city of hope where the whole world was your oyster.  There you are just walking in the rain with a bag of candy and an ice tea when suddenly a vigilante attacks you.  You scream out for help but no one comes, people just peer out from behind their curtains.  There is a struggle and your attacker shoots you in the chest and you die with rain falling on your young face.


All of this could have been avoided if Florida conservatives under the leadership of Jeb Bush had not changed the gun laws in that state making the law of shoot first ask questions later the law of that land the land of Mickey Mouse and Donald Duck.  Well now questions are being asked yet the perpetrator walks free with police taking a hands off approach with him.  We hear nothing from this killer; we see no sign of remorse.  We only hear of promises of an investigation by state and federal officials.


Do conservatives feel remorse now for this law that led directly to the killing of an innocent teen?  Are they like the hunter who shoots a young deer and feels so sorry that he swears never to hunt again yet the deer is still dead just like this teen is no longer with us.


These laws are the result of actions that came down from the very top of our society, from the actions of the Supreme Court, elected officials who cater to fringe lunatics and tremble at the foot of money interests putting we the people last.  Oh they might have said this change in the law is not going to hurt anyone yet an innocent teen is now dead and the killer walks free and every African American teen in Florida is wondering if they are going to be next as their life goes from wonder to fear.


Yes, I have written how conservatives have killed God and now they are killing our teens.  Who is next among us?  Should we all be living in fear of all those who call themselves conservatives those who have taken us from the land of the free and the home of the brave to the land of unbridled fear where it is not safe to walk in the rain?