The Gateway (Clarifications and Pontifications Edition)

A clarification:

This afternoon, I got the following email concerning the article in which I called David Storobin a “schmuck” for insisting on running for the "Super Jewish" State Senate seat, when an Assembly race in the 45th would be a far better shot for him:  

"…Did you join the GOP. I don't get your point." 

My point is that an idiot is an idiot. 

The kid has such ego that he won't wake up and smell the coffee and act in his own self interest.  

I find it hilarious.  

And since I believe, based upon his writings, that he has crypto-fascist sympathies, and regards certain elements of humanity as sub-human, I am enjoying a good laugh at his expense. 

I ain't rooting for the guy–I'm just saying he's a jerk.  

I never said Storobin should be in the Assembly—I would oppose him even against a Joe Hayon–but, that does not prevent me from saying the truth: 

If Storobin was smart he'd run for Assembly instead of the Super Jewish State Senate seat 

And I'd back (and sent my dossier on him to) anyone he ran against, with the possible exception of Charles Barron (another totalitarian sympathizer), in which case I might remain neutral.   




Storobin: "The values of the Republican party are more in line with Jewish values than those of the Democrats…Even a conservative Democrat will support liberals for the leadership of the legislature. The single most important vote that a politician makes is for the leadership of the legislature where he's serving because the leadership will set much of the agenda. A Democrat will inevitably support his fellow Democrats, and their leaders in the New York State Senate are liberals who oppose traditional marriage and school vouchers, who want to raise taxes to pay for abortions, and so on. Even if a Democrat himself votes against this liberal agenda, the fact is that he's enabling it by bringing to power the liberals who make sure that these bills pass,"   

Pretty fucking funny. Does this man have even half a clue?   

Has Storobin ever heard of the Amigos or the IDC? Does he have any idea how the State Senate Democrats actually operate or fail to?  

And does he understand that there would be no same sex marriage law if not for if not for Dean Skelos allowing it to happen? Let's Talk Dogri (straightforward)!!!: Exclusive interview with State Senate hopeful David Storobin   




Gestetner:  Look, said someone who knows Dear’s thinking up close. “The Jewish Community is not going to vote for a puppet just because the Establishment decided to hold a Press Conference.” If the Turner-Weprin, Fidler-Storobin and Lazar-Greenfield races show something, notes this Dear insider, it is that the Community wants a candidate who will be out there working for every vote, and not be forced to vote for someone to fit the agendas of a few.  

This is not without a point (and let's not forget Lander/Heyer race), but it also misses the point.  

Weprin, Fidler and Lander's losses (among the ultra-Orthodox) were ideological statements.

Further, only Lander's loss was also a revolt against the establishment.  

By contrast, there are no discernable ideological differences between Felder and Dear; both have from time to time for various reasons taken a stance which could be used against them to paint them as too liberal, but it is hard to claim that one’s heresies trump the other’s on this score.  

As to Greenfield/Lazar, the fact is that while Lazar won the Haredi vote (albeit by less than expected), Greenfield beat Lazar by pounding him among Russians, Sephardim, Modern Orthodox, non-Orthodox, Yuppies, Christians, Chinese and Latinos.  

But more importantly, while Greenfield did get an unexpectedly high Haredi vote largely as an expression of a non-ideologically based (there being no discernable difference between the candidates on the issues) revolt by younger Haredim, who identified more with Greenfield than they did with the older establishment hack types embodied by Lazar.  

It is almost laughable to picture such voters using Noach Dear to make a generational statement of revolt against the old hacks.  

Noach Dear personifies everything that these voters were revolting against–and Simcha Felder far better personifies how these voters see themselves than does Dear.  Noach Dear Insider: ‘Community, Not Establishment, Will Decide on Super Jewish Senator’ | Gestetner.    




Breaking News: Bye bye Stephen Green. The guy you never heard of, who replaced the aging arsonist, declines to run. Document Drop: Updated Federal Primary Ledger    




Interesting Times story about changing Demographics in Rangel's district. 

Central Harlem is certainly changing demographically, but much more important in understanding the district’ shifting ethnic demographics is the fact that, since Adam Powell's election in 1944, NYS has lost 18 seats in Congress.  

If Rangel's district had Powell's 1944 borders (and it encompasses pretty much all within those ancient borders), it would still be majority black.  

And if a 1944 NYC district had these lines, it wouldn’t be majority black either. Harlem’s Racial Shift May Influence Coming Elections    




Even if you believe Romney's One two three four five, splits, spread eagles, Flip flops, back flips, one right after another on the issue of tuition assistance, ask yourself if it really matters.

If Romney wins, it probably comes with Republican majorities in both houses.  

Could he deliver them to support this proposal?  

There's a simple way to test whether Romney can deliver on the shifting sands of his new found old time moderations.  

The test?  

Can he deliver those votes now?  

If he can't do it at a time when pols from his Party should be willing to do the max to ensure his victory, can you imagine them delivering any more moderation when they have total control of all three branches? Romney’s Etch A Sketch Campaign Begins