The Gateway (Booker Tease and the OMG’s Edition)

Poor Cory–he thought his worst nightmare this year was that his Oxford buddy, Rabbit Schmuley, was running for Congress as a Republican.  

But Booker's real worst nightmare has now been realized: the wrong people have finally figured out that he's a BloombergianPhilanthrogovernmentalist” (although one who, unlike his mentor, knows how to pick up snow). Cory Booker: ‘I’m Very Upset That I’m Being Used By The GOP This Way’     




A reason to forgive Cory. Former Newark Mayor Sharpe James, eyeing comeback, keeps coffers full –    




Mitt cites Noam Scheiber’s "The Escape Artist" in support of his own economic plans.

This is kinda like citing the Talmud for its pork recipes.   




Gillibrand remembers exactly how late Vito Lopez was to her ball.    

Dan Halloran: "I know Rory served in the military, in the infantry and he has a strong Jewish background….Unfortunately his voting record does not match his personal commitment to his faith,”

I would normally object to bringing up Halloran's (cough) “religious”  “beliefs” (as I have when people take issue with Romney's), but Halloran has put the matter in issue–so let me be clear that unlike Lancman (who, the rumor goes, enjoys wolfing down non-kosher barbeque in Jackson Heights), Halloran is consistent.  

Halloran promises to be a reformer who will use his broom to sweep clean (since the sanitation workers are loafing in the job), before he flies off on it, and he also promises to practice voodoo economics and to sacrifice whatever animals are necessary for the good of his constituents. Halloran: Lancman’s Record ‘Does Not Match His Personal Commitment to His Faith’    

Tom Allon: An even larger goal that I have than being Mayor is to bring the Liberal Party back and to give New Yorkers and alternative, because the Democratic Party has lost its way in many ways, its become a one party town in some respects, many times you have a primary for Democrats and that's the whole election. The Liberal Party was created to keep the Democratic Party honest and the Republicans liberal." 
I finally made up my mind about Tom Allon.  
The Liberal Party was neither Liberal, nor a Party. Like the current Independence Party, it was a trademark owned by opportunists to fool the unwary. Its last leader copped to a felony and its remains endorsed Bob Turner for Congress.  
The Liberal Party’s death may be the WFP's most worthy accomplishment.  