The Gateway (Wake Up and Smell the Chitlins Edition)

Rock takes a well deserved victory lap for calling and sticking to his early prediction of a Jeffries landslide.

It reminds me of December 2010, whenI predicted the coming Democratic Nakba in southern Brooklyn.  

On December 31, 2010, I said “Wake Up and Smell the Kugel.”  

On May 22, 2012, Rock essentially said “Wake Up and Smell the Chitlins.” 

I also recall the last time I saw Rock, the Barron panic in the media and political worlds had just begun. Gary Tilzer was the first with the vision to get ahead of the trend, but soon everyone else joined him in this grand delusion.

But Rock insisted to me that Jeffries was winning big.

And every time someone asked me if Barron could really win, I ended my answer with "But Hackshaw still believes Jeffries wins easily"

However, I do think that Rock overestimates the impact of Vito Lopez. The most important thing Lopez did in the 8th CD occurred before Rock wrote his earlier column predicting the Jeffries romp.

Lopez got rid of Ed Towns; which was his goal, and which was a BFD. But, after that, any result was pretty much a Lopez victory.

Once Towns was out, very few of Vito's efforts in the 8th rose beyond the level of what he could phone in. Basically, he put everything he had into the 7th CD, which Lopez lost large.

The mythical Barron surge, while helping Lopez's purported candidate Jeffries, actually hurt Lopez. He couldn't get the help for Erik Dilan from his southern Brooklyn allies he'd gotten for Rafael Espinal in 2011 (at David Weprin's expense) because of the Barron panic. THE COLUMN OF THE YEAR FOR BROOKLYN POLITICS | Room Eight    




Gary Tilzer has got to stop picking on Colin Campbell or people are going to start thinking his rage has something to do with jealously over the young man's rapid rise.

Gary, Colin is not evil for asking pols the questions which interest him, and/or which he thinks will interest his readers.  

You make different choices—the marketplace decides.  Maybe that is what Gary is really angry about. True News: True News Updated 24/7 All Weekend    




Are Yossi Gestetner and Orthodox Pundit the frum version of Hackshaw & Gatemouth? Tilzer & Campbell? Time Passed Since Asking for Yossi's Numbers | Orthodox Pundit: News & Political Analysis    




I don't wanna say the race for Duane's seat is a snore, but I'm already Brad to tears.

As we say in Brooklyn, “it’s enough to make you Hoyl, man.”  Hoylman Continues Amassing Establishment Support    




Dan O'Connor: And if my campaign was better funded and more professionally run I WOULD HAVE WON

Yeah Dan, and if my grandmother had balls, she'd be my grandfather.
But even if you had more money and better advice, you still would have lost.
You want some better advice?

Don't run as a Libertarian in a Democratic primary; it is like opening a Swiss Pork Store in Borough Park.

And catch up on the news; you didn’t get got nearly 2,300 votes. You got nearly 1,300.  

Did you really think you got nearly half of your votes in one election district?

But the really amazing thing here is how clueless O'Connor is about the inevitable consequences of his own ideology,

Dan whines about the free flow of money distorting politics, the "corporate controlled mainstream media" doing what it choose to do, rather than Dan feels it is obligated to do; people choosing to believe what they want rather that what Dan believes; people voting based on their own reasons rather than the ones Dan chooses for them.

Sorry Dan, if you can't sell your ideas in the libertarian free market because of conditions which are not fair. After A Long Journey – Dan O'Connor 2012    




I would say Espaillat needs about seven Dominican Alla Pometkos. Charlie Rangel’s Margin Of Victory Down To 802 Votes     

The Times on Gary Ackerman:

The low point, he said, was when a Republican friend told him that private caucus meetings featured prayer gatherings where lawmakers hold hands and invoke God for or against specific measures on the House agenda. “In the past, a fight was over how to make a good bill better. Now it’s become Good versus Evil.” Washington Is Stuck, but He’s Getting Out     




The only thing anyone ever noticed about Fred Karger is that he was out. Now he really is out, and no one still has noticed; they didn't even notice he was in. The Gay Republican Presidential Candidate (Whom You Never Heard of) Calls it Quits