The Gateway (Brooklyn GOP Circular Firing Squad Edition)

The member of the Weiner household with a future that involves something other than diapers or stand up takes center stage.

Money quote: A senior House Republican who spoke to POLITICO on the condition of anonymity to speak freely about a GOP colleague added this: “This is ridiculous and extraordinarily petty. Clinton is the most pro-Israel member of this administration. Clearly, this is another dumb idea from Michele.'

However, as far as the idea Huma is running for office, I'll believe it when she moves to John Dingell's district.
Anthony Weiner: ‘Nothing Huma can’t do’ – Jonathan Allen    




The more you learn about Malcolm Smith, the more you wonder why Pedro Espada and Carl Kruger had a problem with him.

Well, it could be worse; he could be spending his money trying to become the Mayor.   




Gate (7/15/12): …in the absence of an ED by ED analysis I’m going to say that the Dilan victory among the Hasidim was something like 65% to 35%, give or take.

Sheinkopf: Factual BOE numbers destroy the myth. Turnout Doubled and Approximately 2/3 of “Hasidic Williamsburg” voted for Erik Dilan.

Well someone did an ED by ED, and I was within the margin of error. Hank's numbers are fine–his analysis not so much.

While the Zali turnout was extremely impressive, so was that of the Aronis (who, unlike the Aronis, accomplished their third of the vote without the help of the Pupa and the smaller sects).

And more importantly, a margin of two to one is not a Hasidic Margin, and the City's politicos have taken due notice. In this race, if you wanted to see Hasidic margins, you went to Bococa.Pro-Vito Satmar Sect Counters Rival Faction’s ‘Distorted’ Claims on Velázquez/Dilan Race    




Bad Observation of the Day:  

Orthodox Pundit: Colin Campbell is certain that Squadron will not be endorsed by Vito. I'm wondering if Vito wouldn't want to have him off his back and the opportunity to nominate a loyalist in the special election for Squadron's seat.  

But Vito doesn't control the nomination in Squadron's district.  It's a two County seat—the party chairs in each County get to choose a nominee by casting their county's proportion of the 2010 Dem line vote for governor cast in the district. 

Almost 2/3rds of those votes are from Manhattan.  

Being Manhattan (and not Queens) Keith Wright will defer to the choice of Dems in that district. The majority of the Manhattan vote is cast in the AD of Shelly, even with Paul Newell in the District Leaders mix, Shelly should be able to use his powers of persuasion effectively in presenting a fait acompli to who Wright who, as an Assemblyman, would be likely be quite happy to defer to Shelly any event  

Prediction: Senator Judy Rapfogel (or maybe her husband Willie)–or Jessica Ashenberg (all of whom, incidentally, are Orthodox).!/2012/07/overdue-public-advocate-observation-and.html   




Yesterday, after reading the linked item about internal complaints about petition binding among the Brooklyn GOP, I wrote the following on my Facebook page:  

I intensely dislike Brooklyn GOP Law Chair Gene Beradelli, but complaints that he refused to file certain signatures in an effort to hurt Jewish candidates are probably unfair.
Sometimes a Law Chair shaves a petition for a good reason–for instance, a sheet with forgeries by an otherwise good witness could endanger all of that witnesses' good signatures–so you get rid of it

Having bound a few petitions myself, I can say that sometimes skinnier is healthier (a funny observation to make in connection with Gene). 

Then came the deluge.  

First someone sent me this thread from the Brooklyn GOP Water Kooler:   

Brooklyn GOP County Operatives Lose Several Hundred Brooklyn GOP Candidates' Signatures permalink

July 17, 2012 11:30 am

Many Republican candidates are outraged that the Brooklyn GOP County petition filers “lost” multiple sheets and in at least one instance a volume of their hard-earned signatures.

“Even if he didn’t lose them himself, as Law Chairman, Berardelli is repsonsible for everything turned over by my campaign. And for the man in charge to just say, ‘I don’t know what happened to them’ is not properly accepting of his professional responsibilities.” 

Slovenly permalink

July 17, 2012 11:39 am

my sources tell me that several “witnesses” have residency issues. some are from richmond but didnt declare such. 


Is that the Brooklyn GOP's reason for not filing hundreds of signatures for different candidates, or are they unrelated screw-ups? permalink

July 17, 2012 11:34 pm

There are lots of problems with lots of the GOP petitions. It’s the worst mess since Fred Pantaleone “found” a bunch of unfiled petitions in the trunk of his car 


Breaking News from Russell "C" Gallo: He's not gone yet, but Dov Hikind is heading into the dumper as a Brooklyn GOP Candidate permalink

July 18, 2012 12:34 am

Russell “C” Gallo has made another gaff. This time it was contained in his non-denial dissembling tweet to “OPundit” about the “failure” of the Brooklyn GOP to deliver the GOP line to Democrat Dov Hikind. Something about the Law Chairman not doing this or that with some of Hikind’s signatures (Sort of like what we described above).

The buzz around the BOE is that Assemblyperson DH will not get on the ballot as the Republican Candidate. The word is that If a petition doesn’t pass the BOE “weight test” it can get bounced without specs, but there are plenty of specs.


More breaking news about GOP petitioning, candidates and committees permalink

July 18, 2012 2:25 pm

The buzz is coming in fast and furious — Vin Diesel’s not Eric Holder’s.

Gene “RR” Berardelli was in a bit of a chin-wag o’r th’ net with Seamus “C” of the Young Ds, it was very enlightening. Seems that Berardelli’s bud, Russell “C” Yo-Yo Monkey, doesn’t have a “committee” on file with the BOE and Gene “RR” Berardelli has no real explanation and said that Seamus “C” should ask the Yo-Yo Monkey Gallo ( not quite throwing his friend under the bus, but not really being much of a stand-up guy either). To us this sounds a little like Russell “C” Gallo is worried and wants to make service of Objections, etc tougher. So, crafty Gallo is more than just a Yo-Yo Monkey,he’s trying to be a cheeky monkey too.

We had a thought about the hundreds of missing signatures. It seems some Republican candidates have been in Gene “RR” Berardelli”s face about their missing signatures, sheets and even volumes. In addition to the “I don’t know what happened…” we can add that Berardelli has maintained all along that he “FILED” everything that was handed in. Question — were all of the signatures, sheets and even volumes that passed through Berardelli’s hands as the Brooklyn GOP Law Chairman “FILED” so as to count on all of the petitions of each of the candidates named on the petition sheets? Getting petitions filed where the whole petition based on varying kinds of sheets, some with multiple candidates, is a hard job, indeed. There are lots of ways to make mistakes.

Even when Bob DiCarlo’s team lost the Brooklyn GOP to the Arthur Bramwell team in 1993, the binding and filing job by Rob Meyers, the County GOP Law Chairman for DiCarlo, was not a significant factor in DiCarlo’s fall — multiple Dicarlo candidates and slates qualified for the ballot, even after BOE and court challenges. Almost twenty years have passed and boy have things changed with the County petitioning operation — btw, not for the better.

I responded to my correspondent with a defense of Gene:

If he didn't throw out crap-he's not doing his job–

GOPer: But, he said everthing was filed. If he threw out crap, he should have said, he threw out crap.

My next source was a Democrat who’d actually been looking at Gene’s work.

DEMer: He does it just like we do, with one variation. He puts all the good stuff in one pile and all the dreck in the other. The only difference is he throws the good stuff out and files the dreck.

The specific reference in this case was to a sheet in Joe Hayon’s volume which contained a fully executed witness statement but no signatures, in obvious  homage to Jimmy McMillan.  Serves me right for defending Gene.!/2012/07/and-here-comes-challenges-hikind-loses.html 




I am a very big fan of Tablet Magazine, but the first couple of paragraphs of this review of "Breaking Bad" is the most repugnant thing I've read by a Jewish writer since David Storobin's piece of denial.

Says the author:

Since I was 12 I’ve had an unappealing, didactic distrust of people with the extreme will to live. My father’s parents were Holocaust survivors, and in grade school I received the de rigueur exposure to the horror—visiting geriatric men and women with numbers tattooed on their arms, completing assigned reading like The Diary of Anne Frank and Night. But the more information I received, the less sympathy the survivors elicited from me. Each time we clapped for the old Hungarian lady who spoke about Dachau, each time Elie Wiesel threw another anonymous anecdote of betrayal onto a page, I eyed it askance, thinking What did you do that you’re not talking about? I had the gut instinct that these were villains masquerading as victims who, solely by virtue of surviving (very likely by any means necessary), felt that they had earned the right to be heroes, their basic, animal self-interest dressed up with glorified phrases like “triumph of the human spirit.”

I wondered if anyone had alerted Hitler that in the event that the final solution didn’t pan out, only the handful of Jews who actually fulfilled the stereotype of the Judenscheisse (because every group has a few) would remain to carry on the Jewish race—conniving, indestructible, taking and taking. My grandparents were not excluded from this suspicion. The same year, during a family dinner conversation about Terri Schiavo, my father made the serious request that should he fall into a vegetative state, he would like for us to keep him on life support indefinitely. Today he and I are estranged for a number of other reasons that are all somehow the same reason.

Estranged? She should have been grateful for mere estrangement. Me? I would have sat shiva for her.

Bubbe, who did manage to survive said “This one would have done fine in the camps.” AMC’s ‘Breaking Bad,’ a Conniving Cancer Victim, and My Lifelong Distrust of Holocaust Survivors – T Tablet Magazine – A New Read on Jewish Life   




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